It is a Lot better now, with the current offered plan, because of the Vote no.
What doesn't sit right with me in this whole debacle of a contract, is that everyone keeps saying what we gained after the no vote. What we gained in coverage had nothing to do with UPS. Which means we negotiated with the Union and not UPS, and clearly indicates that in the future we will be negotiating with the Union.
If nothing else, UPS is relishing in the fact that they have had to do nothing to get the supplements passed, and the union has spent mega bucks since the 17 supplements were voted down. Numerous upon numerous conference calls. I get something in the mail every other day about Teamcare. I got a DVD. New ballots. It must of cost the union a boatload so far and then the union had to use even more money to enhance the benefits. All the while UPS has no stress or extra expense.
I do not like the idea that I am now bargaining and negotiating with my employee who is payed to negotiate with my employer.
I am not a fan of this situation. That said, I will be voting Yes the second time around.
The Union will not be negotiating with us in the future over HC. Once this is past, that will be it. We will get whatever healthcare they see fit. Just like the pension payouts. It is what it is and nothing we will be able to do about it. We only have this ability to negotiate now is because of the voted down supplements. Next contract it will not even be a part of it. One and done.