My Senior Picture
Are you confusing the Central States Pension Fund....
With the Health and Welfare Fund ?
Can't find it now?
I read it on the internet, so it must be true, right?
The post below cuts to the chase and is what is really in my crawl.
We deserved the truth when contemplating our vote and we didn't get it.
Agreed, Teamcare is not failing right now. But Hoffa was looking at the "future" of Teamcare. It is unsustainable, in the "future."
But the influx of new members and money made that "future" look a whole lot better. Hoffa new it and that is why he wanted everyone, or most everyone, in Teamcare.
Now, I'm all for "helping" other members. If Hoffa told us that he needed us in Teamcare to shore up the plan, that would have been a different story. He did not say this. He did tell us that "this" plan mirrored the company plan. He did not tell us about the concessions in this plan compared to the company plan.
I don't know what mirror he was looking at, but he failed to tell us the real truth. Whether he outright lied, or forgot to mention some key facts, either way he got what he wanted at our expense.
"Not $90, not $9, not 9 cents", how will that translate in 2017 and beyond?