And you hear some guys in hear that don't appriciate what they have.Talk about, Bite the hand that feeds you.
I have seen this first hand, alot of upsers take for granted what they have and dont care about the union, unless of course they are in trouble. Lets just think for a minute on what we do have that the teamsters and unions in general have gotten for us.
The 8 hour work day, 40 hour work week, overtime pay, paid holidays, paid vacations, medical benefits, retirement plans, job securities and the list goes on. People today take this for granted and dont realize that sacrafices were made by others to give us these wonderful benefits.
In 1997 a package driver was just under $20 an hour, today we are at $28 plus and will be over $32 in 2013. None of this came without a struggle for both of us, ups and the teamster employees that work for ups.
This is not a rant saying that you have to vote for obama or mccain because the teamsters endorsed obama. Im just sick of reading these posts were people are throwing low blows at each other and acting imature.
The fact is that the majority of us are teamster employees and we should take some pride in being teamsters, i understand that the teamsters are far from perfect as a whole. But as teamster employees at ups nothing has ever been force feed to us, we have had a chance to vote on our contracts and they have been passed by a majority rule.
Obama would be better for the whole labor movement than mccain, imho.
Mccain will not let the teamsters close to fedex while obama would just as an example.
You increase the minimun wage and over tax corporations your dollar will be red and have obamba on it with a negitive sign on it.
God help the poor working american that has to work two jobs to pay their bills and put food on the table for their kids while all along these wall street bankers give themselves million dollar bonuses! And now you want to tax people making $8 an hour more to help these same millionaires but you want to hold them back from earning a respectable wage!
And in your view obama is bad for this country! If this is why you are going to vote for any canidate you should do yourself a favor and not vote!