They let Mccain fly.....

barely graduated 5th from the bottum of 899 students and crashed a bunch of planes.
With all that time, effort, and money spent by the taxpayers to train Bush to fly, he wimpered out like a true blue Republican chickenhawk.
And if the economy was doing so good under Bush, then why did the nat'l debt keep going up?
No answer for you, seeings as I don't have all of the information. It's my understanding that the national debt exists from the wars. There's also a conspiracy theory going around that debt is so high to purposefully devalue the dollar so that when the US pays up, it's with a weak dollar and not a strong dollar. I'm not saying I subscribe to that, but it simply wouldn't surprise me. I wonder how it's easy for some people to blame Bush and the Republicans for the economic collapse. But I suppose it's easier to blame someone at the top than to have to name the countless thousands who are responsible for it. It goes both with Dems and Reps. It just happened on Bush's watch. I also wonder how people are pissed that tax cuts exist for the rich. If you were rich, you would use them too. Most of the people who made it rich, worked for it. If I made a bunch of money by sacrificing my time, energy, and life for that matter, why should I be taxed more than the guy who didn't take advantage of the opportunities given to EVERY citizen of the US? Rich people own businesses. Businesses create jobs. Tax businesses more than they are now and you get job cuts. How is this not common sense? As a matter of fact, don't most of the people on this board work for one of the largest companies in the world? If UPS get's their taxes raised, UPSers get cut. They're already cutting routes because of the economy and you would compound the problem by raising taxes on the wealthy? I know there are trust fund kids who could stand to pay taxes, but the majority are business owners. Jobs.