Teamsters Endorse OBAMA

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member

You are joking right.... especially the first line? Name - calling? You are right there with the rest of us "lambs" who can't think for ourselves! Also Bush ain't running for Prez so give it up!

All of a sudden you sound like BO - You are part of the elite who are serious and disconnected to the rest of us. You have all the answers... HA HA!

I thought John McCain was a bumbling fool to you? Now all of a sudden he will listen to Smith and all by himself he can influence the entire Congress against UPS. HA HA!

GET REAL! Your scare tactics don't work with us. You try to make us look like fools and it only makes us laugh harder!

Here is the REAL scare....
If BO gets in look for a depression from rampant spending and major tax increases to all segments.

Trickle up - worked real well. The Dems opened up the housing market and trickled up loans to those who could not afford them. Your poor and middle class folks took the money and purchased houses they couldn't afford. They took money out of their homes and bought - motor homes - boats - and luxury cars - they could not afford!

Trickle down example
Let's not forget that if you have a business you have all the risk. This is a KEY POINT!

So with lower taxes you invest back in the business create additional jobs for the community- add on to the building or buy another building creating jobs in other industries buy more supplies to run the business - creating more jobs in some more industries.

And guess what - you keep some of that money for yourself because you take all the risk! if your business goes belly up - everyone suffers but you lose everything!

By supporting this BO character - you are hurting yourself in the long run. A major depression will not look good on you or the Teamsters. The economy will shrink so will UPS and Teamster jobs will go away!

Think about UPS as trickle down - Secure job - community supporter - great benefits - lots of time off - pension! WOW!

Look at the cars in the parking lot as you go to work and home you own! Ask how many people count on you because of the things you buy and the money you spend????

If you want to vote for Teamsters vote for McCain and UPS will continue to grow!

D - I realize that you may not understand what it takes to run a business so maybe this has educated you a little bit.


I don't understand why this elementary namecalling, off topic debate goes off the the deepend. I guess part of it is egos and part of it is remaining steadfast behind what your party tells you how to think.

Like tiety?

Then it snowballs with labels, sterotypes and ignorance. Teamsters for Obama agrees with Barack's philosophy for middleclass resusciatation to trickle from the bottom up, so the middle class increases economic growth thru increased employment and spending and security.

there is an inherent flaw with this logic in that there has to be a viable growing employer creating jobs for this to happen. Sounds like some second grade economic theory that Osama would generate.

McCain's philosophy is simply that of the last eight years with given big business the benefits with de-regulation and hope it trickles down to the middleclass. You see where that got us today, complete total and utter failure.

Funny how a philosophy that JFK supported is now a failed philosophy. The philosophy is sound and has been proven to work many times.

If thats not enough reason for all hourly's to take heed lets not forget the history and relationship the republican party has with unions compared to the relationship with big business. Fred S successfully lobbied Mccain as a key supporter of the Federal Aviation Authorization bill to insert without a vote, extraordinary law back into the Railway Labor Act, preventing facility by facility organizing under the Nat'l Labor Relations Act.

Big money buys influence. Nothing new here been going on forever.

Now our supervisors, managers and ceo of UPS should raise an eyebrow as well, with the 20 year relationship John mcCain has with Fed Ex ceo Fred S. The longstanding ties could even have Mr Smith as a member of McCain's administration such as Sec Of Transportation for example. If your as proud and loyal to your company as you claim to be with your country, I would most certainly consider Fed Ex CEO Fred S a threat and a conflict of interest if given such power buy supporting McCain.

I'd take that over electing a community organizer to president. Wonder why he won't release anything from his college years?

If it came down to any binding issues effecting the transpotation industry, you can bet it will become advantage Fed Ex with Fred/John at the helm.

One man does not a government make.

Put aside the hatred for unions for a moment and say to yourself "Company and security first, or political affiliations first". I suggest you talk the talk if you want to walk the walk, or were all those pcm's, lead sales generations and meetings concerning our competion a farce.

And yet Osama would still be a much worse choice. I'd rather have the Fred S administration and pay 300 dollars a month less in taxes. After all the one way these politicians clearly affect me is in my ability to pay the bills and save for my retirement. Osama will take more of my money every month. McCain will take less. Now a congress with pelosi and a president Osama in power will double the amount all the while giving me the we are taxing the rich line of BS.



You are joking right.... especially the first line? Name - calling? You are right there with the rest of us "lambs" who can't think for ourselves! Also Bush ain't running for Prez so give it up!

All of a sudden you sound like BO - You are part of the elite who are serious and disconnected to the rest of us. You have all the answers... HA HA!

I thought John McCain was a bumbling fool to you? Now all of a sudden he will listen to Smith and all by himself he can influence the entire Congress against UPS. HA HA!

GET REAL! Your scare tactics don't work with us. You try to make us look like fools and it only makes us laugh harder!

Here is the REAL scare....
If BO gets in look for a depression from rampant spending and major tax increases to all segments.

Trickle up - worked real well. The Dems opened up the housing market and trickled up loans to those who could not afford them. Your poor and middle class folks took the money and purchased houses they couldn't afford. They took money out of their homes and bought - motor homes - boats - and luxury cars - they could not afford!

Trickle down example
Let's not forget that if you have a business you have all the risk. This is a KEY POINT!

So with lower taxes you invest back in the business create additional jobs for the community- add on to the building or buy another building creating jobs in other industries buy more supplies to run the business - creating more jobs in some more industries.

And guess what - you keep some of that money for yourself because you take all the risk! if your business goes belly up - everyone suffers but you lose everything!

By supporting this BO character - you are hurting yourself in the long run. A major depression will not look good on you or the Teamsters. The economy will shrink so will UPS and Teamster jobs will go away!

Think about UPS as trickle down - Secure job - community supporter - great benefits - lots of time off - pension! WOW!

Look at the cars in the parking lot as you go to work and home you own! Ask how many people count on you because of the things you buy and the money you spend????

If you want to vote for Teamsters vote for McCain and UPS will continue to grow!

D - I realize that you may not understand what it takes to run a business so maybe this has educated you a little bit.

Lifer that was certainly nice of you to make time to educate him. I wonder if he had a straight face when he typed that line about trickle up economics. Worse yet I'm afraid he might have been under the influence of sometype of democratic brainwashing/ mindzap when he typed it.


Well-Known Member

D - I realize that you may not understand what it takes to run a business so maybe this has educated you a little bit.

Lifer that was certainly nice of you to make time to educate him. I wonder if he had a straight face when he typed that line about trickle up economics. Worse yet I'm afraid he might have been under the influence of sometype of democratic brainwashing/ mindzap when he typed it.

To my educaters :teacher:, this pathetic attempt to blame our financial crisis on Bill Clinton and the Democrats and trying to teach Reaganomics, doesn't help your chances of recieving an apple from me.

In short, as with Reagan’s economic plan, the growth achieved is insufficient to stimulate the economy to high enough levels to make-up for the loss in revenue. You guys get a big fat friend.
You'll find all sorts of ways to sell it, to make the basic facts fit your premise and spin it. No matter how many facts you encounter, you guys will find a way to make your dream theory come true.

Now our supervisors, managers and ceo of UPS should raise an eyebrow as well, with the 20 year relationship John mcCain has with Fed Ex ceo Fred S. The longstanding ties could even have Mr Smith as a member of McCain's administration such as Sec Of Transportation for example. If your as proud and loyal to your company as you claim to be with your country, I would most certainly consider Fed Ex CEO Fred S a threat and a conflict of interest if given such power buy supporting McCain.

I'd take that over electing a community organizer to president. Wonder why he won't release anything from his college years?

If it came down to any binding issues effecting the transpotation industry, you can bet it will become advantage Fed Ex with Fred/John at the helm.

One man does not a government make.

Put aside the hatred for unions for a moment and say to yourself "Company and security first, or political affiliations first". I suggest you talk the talk if you want to walk the walk, or were all those pcm's, lead sales generations and meetings concerning our competion a farce.

Wow, after being the biggest noisemaker for Obama for being influenced by Rev. Wright for 20 yrs, you now take the position that Fred S has no influence over John McCain for 20 yrs. I think you ought to start construction on your one way lane and make it a two way street.

And yet Osama would still be a much worse choice. I'd rather have the Fred S administration and pay 300 dollars a month less in taxes. After all the one way these politicians clearly affect me is in my ability to pay the bills and save for my retirement. Osama will take more of my money every month. McCain will take less. Now a congress with pelosi and a president Osama in power will double the amount all the while giving me the we are taxing the rich line of BS.

Tieguy, have you check your 401k and personal stock statements this month ? And who's in power with what kind of economic plan? Hope you didn't put a large percentage in high risk, don't want you to miss tee times :golfcart: when you retire.


Tieguy, have you check your 401k and personal stock statements this month ? And who's in power with what kind of economic plan? Hope you didn't put a large percentage in high risk, don't want you to miss tee times :golfcart: when you retire.

Diesel thanks for your concern. As a bleeding heart liberal your concern for the damage Clinton has wrought is admirable. Don't worry I switched my 401 K money into secure funds and the bond market approximately six to 9 months ago though the present market beating will probably affect those investments too. If we can keep Obama out of the white house I might actually be able to plan to retire in my life time.


From the promised LAND

lemme give you a heads up on obamas tax plan and how it affects real people

i have a small business. i have 5 employees. last year the business grossed nearly 300 grand. thats gross. net profit was less than 12 grand before i even took a dime. not counting as well the losses from last year.

under obama, my taxes would go up. why? cause i went above the 200 grand mark. so, lets see, if i have to pay more taxes on the same amount of income on the business, who do i let go. each of the employees have several children, and two are expecting. one has a disabled wife and child. another is taking care of his parents in his home, because he can not afford a nursing home for them. the 5th has 6 kids.

so which one do i cut? as much as i would like to keep them all on, at least one will have to go, maybe two.

btw, for every employee that has a job with a big business like ups, there are 5 employed at a small business like mine. the tax cuts of the past few years have been the only reason i have been able to hire help. under obama's plan, i might as well cut back and stay home.

while i dont support mccain, his economic plan makes more sense than ob's. so it is the lesser of two evils.

btw, fact. it was the economic base that reagan put into action that led to the budget surplusses of the clinton years.

shame they didnt pay down the debt instead of figuring out a way to blow all that extra tax income.



Engorged Member
I was going to vote for McCain until I found out that he was strongly against the Employee Free Choice Act, and very closely associated with Fred S. In a recent interview in Money magazine Smith acknowledged he had been on McCain's short list of VP choices. That's pretty close.

It's clear that a McCain presidency would be an anti-labor administration....Smith's support for McCain makes that self-evident. It's also possible that Smith might become a member of McCain's Cabinet, should he be elected. Take my word for it, you don't want that either.

Smith is one evil fellow, and if you are a UPS Teamster you would be cutting your own throat by voting for McCain, who basically looks at labor the same way Smith a cost, not a benefit. If you could be replaced by trained box-throwing chimpanzees, Smith and McCain would support it, as long as it saved upper management money. I read once that UPS actually considered replacing humans with robots, but the program didn't work out. Smith would even replace the robots if it saved his cheap ass one single penny. We are all totally expendable to Smith and those who think the way he does.

The home page of the BrownCafe mentions a new Motorola on-board computer system that will track basically everything you do in your vehicle. It's pretty much a given that UPS will buy it, and guess who the next customer will be? Do you think you might need to defend yourself against management abusing such a system?

Obama has his drawbacks, but he's much more of a friend to the working man than McCain or his war buddy Smith. I'll take inexperience over greed and evil anyday.


Well-Known Member
--Dannyboy, Maybe I'm wrong but as I understand it, as a sole proprietor you will not be double taxed as like a corp. rather on your net profit and personal income.
The overwhelming majority of small-business owners would see no increase, and in fact, sole proprietors filing on personal tax returns might even seen a decrease in taxes and Obama's tax plan proposes to raise rates on couples making more than $250,000 or singles earning more than $200,000 per year. Most small business owners do not earn enough to be affected by any tax increases.

--Mr FedEx, well written post.


From the promised LAND

then explain the nice letter i got from the irs explaining why i was not qualified to get that 600 rebate check so many got this past year?

claimed i made too much. my income was less than 35 grand.

so per the irs, i would also fall into his tax the wealthy plan.

so who do i cut?


UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member

We have already had this conversation with the D! He does not know what it takes to run a business and until he and Fed Ex and Paidslave etc... see the jobs disappear they will not appreciate any of this. D goes right to the Obama website and takes his info from there. Yeah we know 95% of America will not have tax increases! This is based on the Clinton tax code... Bush lowered tax rates in the tax code but it will expire. So if it does ... as far as I am concerned your tax rate is going back up to what it was prior to Bush so that is an INCREASE! Obama is a real sneaky SOB!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I was going to vote for McCain until I found out that he was strongly against the Employee Free Choice Act, and very closely associated with Fred S. In a recent interview in Money magazine Smith acknowledged he had been on McCain's short list of VP choices. That's pretty close.

It's clear that a McCain presidency would be an anti-labor administration.......

Obama has his drawbacks, but he's much more of a friend to the working man than McCain or his war buddy Smith. I'll take inexperience over greed and evil anyday.

This is the same type of fear tactic that people are worried that Roe vs Wade is going to go away with McCain. It didn't go away with Bush - it ain't goin away with McCain.

Here is the fallacy of a bleeding liberal BO who is going to force more taxes on a depressed small business market.

BO may be the friend of labor but if business is taxed at a higher rate during this recession there will be massive layoffs. If you are laid off what is your labor union going to do for you?

Fred S is not going to have any more influence than the next guy, who knows McCain closely. The secretary of labor will have a whole lot more clout then Fred!

Labor unfriendly is when business lays off jobs because the economy is going into a depression and jobs have to go away.

Obama = tax business = business profits drop = tighten belt = cut jobs
Obama = tax business = business moves out of country = no American jobs!
Obama = tax business = no money to spend = no other company benefits = cut jobs

McCain = less tax = business survives or flourishes = expand = more jobs!
Owners of business invest profits = other companies benefit = more jobs!
Owners spend money -> other companies benefit -> more jobs!

This is how America grows - gets back on track and promotes a healthy economy!


What it comes down to is which is more important 4 companies that employ 400,000 companies or 400,000 companies that employ 4 employees? Major companies in the US make world trade possible, but the small businesses run America. McCain called BO out on his tax plan during the last debate and he really didnt have a comeback to it.


Well-Known Member
And yet Osama would still be a much worse choice. I'd rather have the Fred S administration and pay 300 dollars a month less in taxes. After all the one way these politicians clearly affect me is in my ability to pay the bills and save for my retirement. Osama will take more of my money every month. McCain will take less. Now a congress with pelosi and a president Osama in power will double the amount all the while giving me the we are taxing the rich line of BS.

It must be nice TIEGUY making more than 250k a year! I feel very sorry for you!


Well-Known Member
Tieguy, weren't you the last guy to walk out of the bar with this ......
under your arms.....:bigsmile2:

:dont_know: :rofl:


Well-Known Member
This is the same type of fear tactic that people are worried that Roe vs Wade is going to go away with McCain. It didn't go away with Bush - it ain't goin away with McCain.

Here is the fallacy of a bleeding liberal BO who is going to force more taxes on a depressed small business market.

BO may be the friend of labor but if business is taxed at a higher rate during this recession there will be massive layoffs. If you are laid off what is your labor union going to do for you?

Fred S is not going to have any more influence than the next guy, who knows McCain closely. The secretary of labor will have a whole lot more clout then Fred!

Labor unfriendly is when business lays off jobs because the economy is going into a depression and jobs have to go away.

Obama = tax business = business profits drop = tighten belt = cut jobs
Obama = tax business = business moves out of country = no American jobs!
Obama = tax business = no money to spend = no other company benefits = cut jobs

McCain = less tax = business survives or flourishes = expand = more jobs!
Owners of business invest profits = other companies benefit = more jobs!
Owners spend money -> other companies benefit -> more jobs!

This is how America grows - gets back on track and promotes a healthy economy!

Your logic simply doesn't make sense and I happen to believe you voted for the Baby Bush TWO and believed the same crappy rhetoric!

Trickle down Economics doesn't work....The only thing it does is bankrupt the working guy and in the end the company will follow suit. History today is a great example of that!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Your logic simply doesn't make sense and I happen to believe you voted for the Baby Bush TWO and believed the same crappy rhetoric!

Trickle down Economics doesn't work....The only thing it does is bankrupt the working guy and in the end the company will follow suit. History today is a great example of that!

You will get to see trickle up in action when Osama Bin Loopy gets into power!
He will be your president not mine and I will remind you every day of my predictions.

Worsening Recession - constantly being blamed on the Republicans possibly moving to depression status - business continuing to fail and job loss in millions all because of higher taxes

Higher taxes for most of America again blamed on the Republicans -
Congress unable to come to terms on Healthcare - spending being reigned in and all programs slashed because of inability to fund - failing business and job loss will limit the funds being brought in to the Federal Treasury

Lack of leadership in a weakened America will create
World chaos - Russia making their move on Georgia, Ukraine
Iran making their move to nuclear weapons
Venezuela flexing muscles in the Americas

How's them apples for a prediction with your president .... Osama bin Loopy!

You and so many like you do not understand business and are willing to risk your future on a nobody.

You try to take 2+2 and make the sum of 5.... You will constantly tell me and others that it does not equal 4!

What kind of credentials do you have in the business world?

Donald Trump wrote a book entitled "The Best Real Estate Advice I Ever Received" - Go to page 222 - My brother wrote that chapter. I have had the opportunity to learn from some very prolific financial experts since the mid seventies.

So when UPS starts to really feel the pinch and you are handed your notice .... tell me then that it doesn't make sense. How could a company like UPS cut jobs and eliminate entire network feeds???? How could this happen?
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