You will get to see trickle up in action when Osama Bin Loopy gets into power!
Your kidding us with this outlook, aren't you Lifer? You ever notice those pooper scoopers that follows the horses in a parade? I find that as a good analogy as far as following every Republican administration. It may take years cleaning up after this sorry sack of Rep'
left behind.
He will be your president not mine and I will remind you every day of my predictions.
Why don't you jump the fence into Mexico and rub noses with their President. We now have to question your patriotism with that statement. I have dumped on GW plenty of times, but I never said he's not my president.
Worsening Recession - constantly being blamed on the Republicans possibly moving to depression status - business continuing to fail and job loss in millions all because of higher taxes
Higher taxes for most of America again blamed on the Republicans -
Congress unable to come to terms on Healthcare - spending being reigned in and all programs slashed because of inability to fund - failing business and job loss will limit the funds being brought in to the Federal Treasury
Ending the tax cuts to the rich will lower the debt, which will
strengthen the US dollar, which will mean oil will cost less, which
means inflation will go down, which means core inflation including
food and fuel will diminish, which means the economy will become
stronger because US workers will be able to afford to buy
discretionary products, which will employ other Americans who will
now have jobs so they will not lose their homes which means the housing market will stabilize, which means banks will be more solvent, which means money will once again become liquid which means loans for investments will once again become available which means industry will grow which means increasing GDP growth and more jobs. Jobs and the middleclass ability to spend are the engine of the economy. I know I don't make it sound complicated like Wkmac, but this is pretty elementary.
Lack of leadership in a weakened America will create
World chaos - Russia making their move on Georgia, Ukraine
Iran making their move to nuclear weapons
Venezuela flexing muscles in the Americas
How's them apples for a prediction with your president .... Osama bin Loopy!
You need to get out more often, your brilliant predictions FYI are not predictions at all. This is what we are reading in the papers today under GWB and republicans watch.
You and so many like you do not understand business and are willing to risk your future on a nobody.
You try to take 2+2 and make the sum of 5.... You will constantly tell me and others that it does not equal 4!
It's not that we don't understand smartie-pants, it's that we don't agree with idealologys with the economy. So far yours have proven to be complete and utter failure for this country. You don't take in account for Gov't spending and the greed factor.
You keep accusing non-republicans of this, yet your oblivious to whats going on now with our weak economy. Your trickle down policies and Bush Tax cuts have gradually weaken and dissolved the middleclass over the years yet you can't understand the middleclass is the main components of the engine that powers the economy, not the wealthy who basically reinvest their money and or find tax evasive loopholes.
What kind of credentials do you have in the business world?
One doesn't need credentials to form an opinion, simply witness the results of the past and do a little reading and research.
Donald Trump wrote a book entitled
"The Best Real Estate Advice I Ever Received" - Go to page 222 - My brother wrote that chapter. I have had the opportunity to learn from some very prolific financial experts since the mid seventies.
Who wrote the chapter in filing bankruptcies, and wiping out shareholders? .......Wasn't it GW's best financial guru's proclaiming "have no fear", "all is well" a few months ago.
So when UPS starts to really feel the pinch and you are handed your notice .... tell me then that it doesn't make sense. How could a company like UPS cut jobs and eliminate entire network feeds???? How could this happen?
Again, lifer, you don't get it. A middleclass with jobs and money in their pocket from a result of less debt and a stronger dollar creates more discretionairy spending by US workers which will increase volume and jobs at UPS