Wow this will be an interesting vote. And I'm a PT'er at a smaller center with several other PT'ers who aren't interested in driving. In my case I can't, as due to a birth defect, I can't pass the DOT physical. Anyway there are several others at my center that for varying reasons aren't interested in driving. And I don't think this new hybrid spot will be for them either.
So why should I, or the others, vote for this contract? I started in august as negotiations were going on for the current contract. So I'm now just under $15/hr. Not bad for a PT job, w/the benefits. But someone new walks in this august and I'll only be making $2 more after working here 6 years? Yeah I get that $2 an hour is a decent amount. But IMO there needs to be some kind of good raise across the board.
Mayby I should just be happy with seeing those others around me, that are interested in hybrid spots, me getting them. These same spots I might be interested in, that I can't take advantage of if I wanted? Maybe the perspective on being on the outside looking in, but I too see these hybrid spots as the beginning of the end for current drivers, and possible PT'ers. Get enough automation in place and these hybrid guys can do preload and delivery. At much less than what current drivers make. Feeder drivers will be next to go.
But I should wait until I see the rest of the contract? What's it going to show me? I already have another job with a retirement plan. Anything I get here will be simply a (nice) bonus. Insurance benefits are already plenty good for me. I mean if they can get better, I won't complain, but unless they pay me to see a doctor, I'm not sure what they can offer.
FWIW I'm here for the insurance. My other job is at a small business. I took the UPS job so I would have insurance since Obamacare stated I had to have insurance or pay a fine. There is finally some things changing that will allow small business to provide health care at a reasonable price. So my days my be numbered at UPS. Unless they can actually show me something that makes me want to stay. Like a $3/hr raise. And I'm not interested in just some bonus. Maybe a $2/hr raise and a $1-2k bonus. But a bonus in lieu of an actual raise cutting my own throat.
All that said, I will wait and see the full contract, but don't get your hopes up for a yes vote from me. Also I've never had much of a need to be very active in our union, but for having all the ammo we should have had, this is somewhat disappointing for current employees. Even if they don't realize it.