Tentative agreement


Victory Ride
That’s why it would be ideal to get language in the contract that states hybrids can only work on sat and Sunday.... and on a weekday only if there is a dire emergency like half the center calls out on a sick day....and language that states “ no m-friend full time driver will be laid off because of work being given to a hybrid driver... furthermore no hybrid driver will work any weekday unless there is an emergency or an act of GOD...”
They r going 2 push loads in .... for Saturday and Sunday ....leaving Regs w out work Monday and tuesday ... true


Well-Known Member
They r going 2 push loads in .... for Saturday and Sunday ....leaving Regs w out work Monday and tuesday ... true
I know they are saying that Saturday ground isn’t making them any money and is s pain in the ass to deal with... Sunday would be even worse.. I think they want the flexibility to be able to run those two days if they need to during peak or later down the road...they must have language that says no regular m-friend driver will be laid off because of advancing work on the weekends, or any reason...they can do this ... it’s not that hard... they have the work to keep these hybrids on the inside m-friend....and to work then sat ground / air...

Frankie's Friend

I know they are saying that Saturday ground isn’t making them any money and is s pain in the ass to deal with... Sunday would be even worse.. I think they want the flexibility to be able to run those two days if they need to during peak or later down the road...they must have language that says no regular m-friend driver will be laid off because of advancing work on the weekends, or any reason...they can do this ... it’s not that hard... they have the work to keep these hybrids on the inside m-friend....and to work then sat ground / air...
I cant wait until some church gets a sunday delivery and the driver walks down the isle during the offering.
"Uh, it a Victoria Secret pkg for the organist, sign here." No cir.
So a few things after reading this entrire thread.
1 Tony q is a placed agent provocateur.
2. Here in CA min wage in a few years will already be 15 an hour thus being a loss of wages for part timers who bust their asses every day just as us ftd's so they win nothing.
3. Hybrid drivers will be the downfall to the ftd position and pay structure. Why would the pt guys want to sell themselves short in ruining a 6 figure future for a short term return on your time invested. That's just a bad business move
4. The union seems to give more up every time I hear news about this.
5. My building files grievances like it's going out of style because our morons can't even get a basic dispatch right so adding even more dispatches would cause our start time to get even later I'm sure.
6. This seems like a foot in the door for ups to get rid of 9.5 grievances and 8 hour requests as well as ot which they could do by just running a few extra cars but choose not to as the opportunity cost of running those drivers is to high compared to paying the grieves.
7. As usual were all just numbers and neither side doesn't really give a :censored2:.
8. Tony q is a d bag.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking that Tony Q either has to be part of the negotiating committee to have access to all this information (meaning he'll be kicked from it soon for leaking so many "details"), or he's just a disinformation agent here to make people think everything's copacetic with this contract.


Idk how any of these second class drivers will be used at our center. We already have FT drivers laid off almost every single day. Will these laid off FT drivers be able to bump back to knock a second class driver off their rt?


Active Member
What’s your affliction?

If you're asking why I can't drive, it's vision related. I have better than 20/20 vision in one eye and just bad enough in the other to not pass. I was born this way and don't know any difference. Been driving since I was 14 with a motorcycle license. I found out about an exemption package and applied, but they denied it due to lack of commercial driving experience. So I'm caught between a rock and a hard place.

I think you need to worry more about automation taking your job then not making what a hybrid drive will..

Oh that's what I'm getting at. With automation you still need people, just less of them. So replace those PT'ers like me who aren't going/can't go full time/hybrid, with automation and hybrid drivers. Once that's out of they way, replace FT drivers with Hybrid. This is a very slippery slope for everyone. However I know several PT'ers who will probably think this is the best thing ever.... Hopefully I can help convince them of it's shortsightedness.


Well-Known Member
If you're asking why I can't drive, it's vision related. I have better than 20/20 vision in one eye and just bad enough in the other to not pass. I was born this way and don't know any difference. Been driving since I was 14 with a motorcycle license. I found out about an exemption package and applied, but they denied it due to lack of commercial driving experience. So I'm caught between a rock and a hard place.

Oh that's what I'm getting at. With automation you still need people, just less of them. So replace those PT'ers like me who aren't going/can't go full time/hybrid, with automation and hybrid drivers. Once that's out of they way, replace FT drivers with Hybrid. This is a very slippery slope for everyone. However I know several PT'ers who will probably think this is the best thing ever.... Hopefully I can help convince them of it's shortsightedness.
Have you looked at Lasik or anything like that to see if it can be corrected?


Sometimes i feel like a nut sometimes i dont
They r going 2 push loads in .... for Saturday and Sunday ....leaving Regs w out work Monday and tuesday ... true
then we can have two all over the place Mondays yeah sounds like more driving around with a crazy :butt: dispatch which leads to the rookies having more accidents.