when your cell phone doesnt work, and it is under warranty, the company will send you just the phone without the battery, sim, no box, no back to the phone. i am not a liar. and i really dont think stealing one thing my whole life constitutes me as a thief. i made a big mistake. im not dishonest. im usually one of those guys who is so damn nice i get walked on or finishes last. im not a troll. i made a mistake and dont want to be called names for it. well maybe idiot, and dumb, but im not a bad person.u dont know me, dont judge me for 1 stupid ass mistake. all i wanted to know is if people have done what i have done and been re hired? all ups drivers make some kind of mistake at one point or another. none of you are perfect. i just got caught. i shouldnt have taken it in the first place....