terminated...want my job back

browned out

Well-Known Member
first of all, i didnt post this to be attacked. i am terribly upset for what i did, and wish i could take it back. what i took wasnt anything worth taking and isnt any of your business. i am sorry for what i did, and have never ever done anything like this before. i returned what i took, not making it right that i took it, but am sorry for what i did and wanted to get my job back. i wanted to know why drug users get second chances but a 20 year driver doesnt?

You can get your job back if you were fired or quit. You may want to try to use the EAP employee assistance program Call the EAP and get help. If you have no prior history and you have difficult circumstances; you may get your job back. People have got their jobs back after much worse offenses than yours. Very stupid to do but we all suffer moments of stupidity.


Well-Known Member
Spicy browned out has given you an excellent source to use the EAP process is completely confidential Ups is in no way contacted when someone uses this service. Its opens 24 hours a day everyday 800-336-9117 or www.achievesolutions.net/UPS this is a great benefit that's offered to all of us ups employees for different reasons.

Spicy good luck and best wishes to you and your children I hope everything will work out for you. Sometimes hardest lessons in life are learned when a door shuts and we think there's no light at the end. I do believe everything happens for a reason good or bad its what we take away and then apply. Use the Value options its a great resource... take care let us know how your doing :wink2:


I'm far from perfect as many of us here are! But i have never put anything into my pocket that i have not paid for, especially from the company that employees me.

We are not talking about a child making a mistake we are talking about a man with children that stole! Big differences in your two's argument about being perfect.

Let me guess he just happened to trip over his handcart, his phone than fell out of his pocket, slit open another package and switched out phone cases by accident!

I was just trying to say that we are beating a dead horse here. I know it was not just a simple mistake. It's obvious it was a deliberate act. I don't condone his actions either. In fact I would wonder how he knew what box it was in. :dissapointed:


APWA Hater
I feel really really bad for his children. Talk about a huge lifestyle change they are going to incur.

Seems like the steward did what he could, and if you try and fight it - you're stupid. Sorry, but don't you think this place crawls with management too? You admitted on here, you posted your location (New Jersey) and you resigned.

You already sealed your fate former brother.

My sister was killed by a drunk driver, I'm sure he is "sorry" as well, but that won't bring her back. Point is, 1 little mistake can screw your life over for good.

Good luck with your future job search, consider yourself lucky they let you resign so you can be gainfully employed in the future. I would seek out working for the Transit Authority, or delivering beer/pepsi/coke etc to gain Class A CDLexperience to get on with one of the freight companies.

If you have a college degree, now is the time to fall back on that. This job pays well, but it owns you. It can give you everything and take it away in an instant like this.
chev, it was a simple mistake. i didnt wake up in the morning thinking what can i steal today...? i have never stolen anything in the past. this was the first time i did something stupid like that. im an idiot. we have all established that, including myself. but i did not nor have i ever woke up thinking i was going to steal from anyone. browned out and lil comet, thank you for your advice.


chev, it was a simple mistake. i didnt wake up in the morning thinking what can i steal today...? i have never stolen anything in the past. this was the first time i did something stupid like that. im an idiot. we have all established that, including myself. but i did not nor have i ever woke up thinking i was going to steal from anyone. browned out and lil comet, thank you for your advice.

I think the implication was, how did you know what was in that pkg anyways???

If you keep apologizing, it won't resolve your issue. Take the above posted advice and let us know where you end up. Did you get the job back? Did you go to FredEx? Let us know, we're voyeuristic, and we care!
Hmm....simple mistake. You know I have had my eye on a new Corvette,all I need to do is take it for a test drive and not bring it back. I forgot,....simple mistake. It just might work.


Well-Known Member
My sister was killed by a drunk driver, I'm sure he is "sorry" as well, but that won't bring her back. Point is, 1 little mistake can screw your life over for good.

You have got to be kidding me? You are comparing the momentary lapse of judgement on spicy's part to the mindset of a drunk driver. The two couldn't be further apart and to compare them is just plain stupid. I do apologize for your loss and have no idea what you have been and are going through but your view on this has been changed in a personal and permanent way thus leading to this flawed comparison.

Drunk drivers deserve everything they get and more. I firmly believe that, in addition to whatever sentence they receive, they should be made to go to the family of the victim(s) and apologize for their stupidity.

Succumbing to greed in a momentary lapse of judgement hurts no one but the person who committed the act. Restitution, loss of employment, a potential criminal record and having to explain to his kids why Daddy won't be "racing the truck" anymore (as well as the bashing he has received here) are punishment enough IMO.


Well-Known Member
I say TROLL also, so stop feeding him, lol! I can't resist to feed him though. Stealing is immoral to begin with but ABSOLUTELY STUPID if its not worth anything and you risk a 20-year career because of it.

Heck, I'm afraid to take a 2-day old newspaper from the office building lobby on my route. It has someones name on it so it would be stealing. Its worth 50 cents but I think UPS can get you on this. At this point the newspaper is probably trash but who determines that? Am I being too paranoid about this?

If you are going to steal something, make sure what you take will allow you to retire 3 times over. Other than that, leave other people's stuff alone:happy2:.


No more Brown!
Back to classic movie quotes.

"Stupid is as Stupid does."

Sounds like your life is being educated now though. Good luck.


New Member
Ever hear the phrase... Don't bite the hand that feeds?

This guys actions and the thousands of other Ups employees that have chosen to steal phones, Ipods ect. from our customers is the reason at our hub...we have to pass through metal detectors entering and exiting. We can no longer bring our cellphones in to work either.

I work midnight shift...I have a diabetic husband & three kids to worry about at work. They can't contact me in case of emergency. *sigh*