terminated...want my job back


Staff member
Succumbing to greed in a momentary lapse of judgement hurts no one but the person who committed the act.

I disagree. This thief has hurt the customer who had his package pilfered, the customer who shipped the package, AND damaged our companys reputation. This thief has hurt every one of UPSs hard-working honest employees.

What if he stole something from one of our HUGE shippers, who then decided because of the theft to divert their volume? What if this led to jobs being discontinued? (Four feeder drivers forced back to package, 4 package drivers forced inside, you know the downward spiral) Wouldn't those employees be hurt too? "Sorry kids, I no longer have a job at UPS, because of some thief a thousand miles away".

Zero tolerance. Good riddance to bad rubbish, I don't want him working here.


You have got to be kidding me? You are comparing the momentary lapse of judgement on spicy's part to the mindset of a drunk driver. The two couldn't be further apart and to compare them is just plain stupid. I do apologize for your loss and have no idea what you have been and are going through but your view on this has been changed in a personal and permanent way thus leading to this flawed comparison.

Drunk drivers deserve everything they get and more. I firmly believe that, in addition to whatever sentence they receive, they should be made to go to the family of the victim(s) and apologize for their stupidity.

Succumbing to greed in a momentary lapse of judgement hurts no one but the person who committed the act. Restitution, loss of employment, a potential criminal record and having to explain to his kids why Daddy won't be "racing the truck" anymore (as well as the bashing he has received here) are punishment enough IMO.

Its a fair comparison in that the point of it was, one mistake can ruin your life. It wouldnt be a fair comparison in that he was comparing severity of the offense.


Well-Known Member
I disagree. This thief has hurt the customer who had his package pilfered, the customer who shipped the package, AND damaged our companys reputation. This thief has hurt every one of UPSs hard-working honest employees.

What if he stole something from one of our HUGE shippers, who then decided because of the theft to divert their volume? What if this led to jobs being discontinued? (Four feeder drivers forced back to package, 4 package drivers forced inside, you know the downward spiral) Wouldn't those employees be hurt too? "Sorry kids, I no longer have a job at UPS, because of some thief a thousand miles away".

Zero tolerance. Good riddance to bad rubbish, I don't want him working here.

Good point, Over. I didn't think of it from that angle.


Ever hear the phrase... Don't bite the hand that feeds?

This guys actions and the thousands of other Ups employees that have chosen to steal phones, Ipods ect. from our customers is the reason at our hub...we have to pass through metal detectors entering and exiting. We can no longer bring our cellphones in to work either.

Understand this point, but stealing isn't the only reason UPS has guards and metal detectors.

I work midnight shift...I have a diabetic husband & three kids to worry about at work. They can't contact me in case of emergency. *sigh*

If you're really that worried, I'd suggest you get someone else to look after your kids. I understand that Diabetes is a serious condition, but you worrying isn't going to change a thing. This issue needs to be addressed or else you'll be far from 100% at work. If you don't give your all at work, isn't that sort of like stealing from the company also? jmho:wink2:


Well-Known Member
pagers are relatively cheap.
Buy one with a years service and keep the receipt in your pocket.
As someone else said, don't depend on management to inform you of an emergency until your shift is over and you're clocked out.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I guess I am guilty of stealing from UPS also. On my desk sits a jar with at least 10 brown pens in it, and there is probably also a brown pen in every drawer of my house. I also have an impressive collection of thin, scribbled on, nearly-empty Delivery Notice pads on the shelf in my laundry room. I've lost track of how many Delivery Notices I have turned into soggy, fuzzy balls by forgetting to remove them from my shirt pockets before I throw them in the washing machine....so I guess we can add "destruction of UPS property" to my list of offenses. I hope Loss Prevention doesnt find out who I am and kick my door down.


Man of Great Wisdom
You can steal from UPS. Just don't steal from our customers. I see employees at all levels that have been stealing a paycheck for years.


Browncafe Steward
Ever hear the phrase... Don't bite the hand that feeds?

This guys actions and the thousands of other Ups employees that have chosen to steal phones, Ipods ect. from our customers is the reason at our hub...we have to pass through metal detectors entering and exiting. We can no longer bring our cellphones in to work either.

I work midnight shift...I have a diabetic husband & three kids to worry about at work. They can't contact me in case of emergency. *sigh*
Everyone that i know at ups has received a property pass and are allowed to have cell phones while at work. Especially in a serious case as yours, contact your union if ups refuses to allow you to carry your cell.


Well-Known Member
You have very little chance at coming back as it is a cardinal sin. They had every right to fire you. File a grievance. There is a tiny chance that if you were a good driver with nothing else to speak of that you may come back. You would be out for 6 months to a year at least. Even if you come back it would be with no back pay, loss of all reports, loss of vacation, loss of pension credit and it would be strike 2 level of suspension. I would get another job and start over. If you borrowed a cell phone battery as to call the office and returned it maybe you would have more compassion from everyone. But you stole and that is wrong.


From the promised LAND

big mistake taking it to the panel. they will fire you for stealing, an that will become a perm part of your work record. that is why ups offered the thief to just quit. although that speaks volumes to the next employer as well, why would a sane man quit a 100 grand a year job to come work for me, especially one that has 20 years in.

best thing to do is to quit wasting time on this site and get a job, you gonna need it.



If you borrowed a cell phone battery as to call the office and returned it maybe you would have more compassion from.

Well not from me, thats just as bad as stealing, its pilfering through packages, UPS doesnt condone it at all even if its to call the office.
I'm sorry buddy but you don't have a chance at getting your job back. Like someone eluded to before, monetary value is as irrelevant in this matter as your squeeky clean prior track record. It's pretty hard to be terminated outright, but one way to guarantee you'll be shown the door is doing what you did. They wouldn't let you back to clean the toilets nevermind handle packages. Also, I'm sorry but I dont believe your claim that this was an isolated incident. I, like most people (i hope), was taught at a very young age that you don't take things that don't belong to you.It's a very simple concept really, but you either follow it or you don't...there are no in-betweens. But the real injustice is when honest people have to be treated like thieves every time a package is legitimitely lost in the system. If everyone thought it was ok to steal once in a while, if you're sure you won't get caught, the whole damn system would break down. Misdelivering a package to Green St instead of Green Ave. is a mistake, whereas you made a concious decision to be a lowly thief. Theres a reason why they used to take the hand of the offender by way of the axe...to let people know just how serious it is. Be grateful they didnt press charges, because if it were my decision I would have had the cops haul your ass out in front of everybody just to add a little more humiliation to the deal.


From the promised LAND
let me throw one more bit of info your way.

in my many years as an employee, and many as a shop steward, a story like yours is not usually true.

what is seen instead is someone who for many years has taken items from ups for personal use (the way you said it) see, you cant even call it what it is, stealing. and that is what makes me lean towards this issue with you.

i suspect you have a long history of stealing things, and this happens to be the only one that ups can prove beyond doubt. your problem is that you have never had to face the fact that you are a thief, pure and simple.

i dont buy for a minute that a solid citizen, a driver of 20 years all of a sudden one day decides to open a package and steal. sorry, dont happen that way in real life.

my guess is that you have a large number of items you have stolen from ups over the 20 years. things you could have bought, but stealing is a thrill for you.

and only when you get caught is there a lame i took something for my personal use excuse.

sorry, you might take a two-wheeler home for the weekend for personal use, but you opened a package and stole, and dont even have the guts to face that fact.


On a lighter note, my first visit to the cafe this afternoon did teach me at least a couple interesting things. Maybe the most surprising was that it was actually the Germans who bombed Pearl Harbor. Let's see, what else...oh, apparently cell phones CAN indeed be traced should they be stolen; Who knew?
I even got a nice little refresher course on fractions and "lowest common denominators".


like i said im sure theres more to it....
like they customer saw one was missing he came in with a different phone coincidence it was the same type