Texas school shooting


Well-Known Member
"Walker’s body twitched and rolled as eight Akron police officers fired 90 or more rounds that hit the 25-year-old Black man 60 or more times."

Black man with a hand gun cops shoot him 60+ times.

Guy actively killing school children. Cops do tik tok dances in the hallway.

First response seems excessive. 2nd response seems maybe inadequate.

Maybe it's fight or flight. Idk.


Well-Known Member
He doesn’t, The kid that shot the parade lived in Chicago which had all the rules in place to stop him including police on the scene still didn’t stop him.
Sniper tactics tend to be the most difficult to stop quickly unless you have counter snipers in place.


Inordinately Right
I'm just saying they should have shot the school shooter 80 times instead of hiding while he was murdering children.
Okay I'm just saying it's silly to compare it to some dumb thug and completely different cops in a completely different situation.

I hope an investigation of Uvalde includes interviews and radio of exactly what orders were given to the officers. I have a feeling they were following orders. They shouldn't have.


Well-Known Member
If he'd come running out into the hallway and the officers couldn't see his hands they probably would've? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
They would have run away.



Well-Known Member
"The school was not adequately defended."
-Uvalde school district had multiple resource officers. Some engaged with the shooter outside the school or didn't shoot because they didn't have clearance.

the school had a resource officer that was not at his post and responded after the shooting started.
"the school defense methods in place were not enforced."
-I assume you're talking about the door the shooter got in through
single entry school procedure not followed. doors not locked. No auditing for compliance nor enforcement of locked door procedures. whatever their procedures once an active shooter alert is called did not happen if they have one.
"communication between teachers and school administrators was not effective in the opening minutes when much more could have been done to prevent this shooting or minimize the results."
They had active shooter training in March. So it looks like they didn't execute the plan.
Administrators were still posting online reports that the school was safe after the shooting was started. teachers called 911 directly and it appears most calls to 911 were by affected individuals. There was no coordination of response here by the school leadership.

"the police did not execute their active shooter response as they had trained."
There's not much to say about that. We all seem to agree,