The 2024 Presidential Race Thread


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
If people keep dropping dead more and more people are going to agree with him.
Some weather babe in NYC dropped dead and every comment was about the vaccine. Lol, every death is fron the vaccine including overweight, middle aged woman. Looks like we cured heart disease!


Well-Known Member
Go Kennedy, go West! Both excellent third party candidates for today's Democrat voter.

Cornel west who starred in the matrix, and rfk are both better than trump


Well-Known Member
Today on Fox News Business.



Well-Known Member
Trump maintained all the wars, trump did not reindustrialize the econony, most ppl own little to no stock, how much did housing prices and tuition rise while trump was in office?
We were out of Iraq, and he negotiated withdrawal from Afghanistan. And a president can't reindustrialize the economy. Workers with 401k's own stock.