The 2024 Presidential Race Thread


Well-Known Member
We were out of Iraq, and he negotiated withdrawal from Afghanistan. And a president can't reindustrialize the economy. Workers with 401k's own stock.
no the stock market is mostly owned by a small minority

trump promised to bring back factories and he failed as far as i heard

he maintained all the wars, did not start any new ones


Well-Known Member
no the stock market is mostly owned by a small minority

trump promised to bring back factories and he failed as far as i heard

he maintained all the wars, did not start any new ones
Tens of millions have 401k's that invest in mutual fund companies who invest in stocks. The biggest investors in stock are 401k mutual funds like Vanguard and Fidelity/Magellan.

Trump promised to reduce the trade deficit with China by gaining access to Chinese markets for American products. That was an ongoing battle that shut down with the pandemic.

Trump arranged to get us out of Afghanistan. What other wars did he maintain?


Well-Known Member
Tens of millions have 401k's that invest in mutual fund companies who invest in stocks. The biggest investors in stock are 401k mutual funds like Vanguard and Fidelity/Magellan.

Trump promised to reduce the trade deficit with China by gaining access to Chinese markets for American products. That was an ongoing battle that shut down with the pandemic.

Trump arranged to get us out of Afghanistan. What other wars did he maintain?
upper 10% own 90% of all stocks

trump maintained 5 wars. did not start any new ones.

trump failed to bring back manufacturing.

half of america owns no stock.


Well-Known Member
Which 5 wars did Trump maintain?
probably these


Well-Known Member
teh OP said "strong economy"

america was a stronger economy when it manufactured thing besides weapons
Trump had a strong economy. And if the U.S. manufactured everything again you'd be screaming about pollution and destroying the climate. There's no making you happy and you know it.


Well-Known Member
Trump had a strong economy. And if the U.S. manufactured everything again you'd be screaming about pollution and destroying the climate. There's no making you happy and you know it.
if trump did indeed bring back manufacturing, i would give him credit where credit is due and yes i would complain about pollution if thats what was occuring.

trump did not have a strong economy, he just presided over the post 2008 economic bubble. debts and inflation were high


Well-Known Member
if trump did indeed bring back manufacturing, i would give him credit where credit is due and yes i would complain about pollution if thats what was occuring.

trump did not have a strong economy, he just presided over the post 2008 economic bubble. debts and inflation were high
Trump greatly improved the economy until the pandemic hit and derailed everything. Inflation was low under Trump. Where were you?


Well-Known Member
Trump greatly improved the economy until the pandemic hit and derailed everything. Inflation was low under Trump. Where were you?
housing prices, student tuition was stable under trump, medical treatment had stable prices?

his NAFTA negotiation was not bad.


Well-Known Member
You said Trump maintained a war there. What war? What troops did Trump send to Libya?
bush had iraq and afghanistan, trump maintained 5 wars, and obama started a few so it was likely iraq and afghanistan plus 3 of those countries i listed off for obama.