The 2024 Presidential Race Thread


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
good lord the doj is out of control


Well-Known Member
Enjoy 2024 up until November because it’s gonna be the last time of relative peace in this country for a long time. And most importantly get your house in order and get right with Jesus


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Regardless of the selection outcome (if there even is one) all roads lead to civil war in 2025 with trump at the center of it. That’s how he wants it. That’s how the elites want it. That’s how Israel wants it

Neither side is gonna accept the results of any further elections so this is all just a little pretend tv show game
Israel? What a doofus


Well-Known Member
I really feel sorry for people like you because you have no idea the hell thats coming for you and have no idea how to prepare. It’s really just sad. You just wanna vote for the next criminal to come to Washington as if they’re your savior



Well-Known Member
The only thing I know about next years presidential pageant is that I won’t participate in it for the same reason that I don’t gamble anymore. This government has to be done away with. Voting for the next crook to come into a broken system and save America is impossible. It’s like a car that’s completely busted but you just keep changing the paint job


Well-Known Member
Regardless of the selection outcome (if there even is one) all roads lead to civil war in 2025 with trump at the center of it. That’s how he wants it. That’s how the elites want it. That’s how Israel wants it

Neither side is gonna accept the results of any further elections so this is all just a little pretend tv show game
yea with trump in charge you get civil war, with biden in charge you get world war.