The 2024 Presidential Race Thread

Box Ox

Well-Known Member

September 28, 2015

Poll: Clinton tops Trump in general election | CNN Politics

"Hillary Clinton would beat Donald Trump in a general election match-up if the election were held today, a new poll shows.

Clinton beats Trump, 49% to 39%, head-to-head."

October 26, 2016

Hillary Clinton Leads Donald Trump by 14 Points: Poll | Time

"Hillary Clinton has widened her lead over Donald Trump, polling 14 percentage points ahead nationally, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll, which comes 12 days before the presidential election."

November 7, 2016

Clinton Leads by 6 Points | Monmouth University Polling Institute | Monmouth University


All Trash No Trailer
His staff telling him he wasn't cheated proves he didn't believe he was cheated?
Well then he will be shown to be stupid or lying. When the entire staff ( and the daughter he said like to bang) all tell him he’s lost he’s either stupid to not believe it or he’s lying.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
It most certainly is. Again he will be portrayed as Stupid or Lying.

I happen to believe that Trump is an idiot and doesn't actually believe he was cheated. But I don't know of any proof that he didn't actually believe he was cheated. Do you know of any proof of it?


All Trash No Trailer
I happen to believe that Trump is an idiot and doesn't actually believe he was cheated. But I don't know of any proof that he didn't actually believe he was cheated. Do you know of any proof of it?
I can’t be any more clearer than I am. His entire staff told he lost, showed him he lost and showed there was no fraud.
We again get to the he is either too stupid to not accept facts ( and listening to a drunk Rudy Giuliani) or he’s Lying about his not believing he won

I’m not a lawyer but dang son, when his entire handpicked staff tells him he lost it’s very hard to accept the fact the he did t actually believe it. I would say their testimony would be considered “ Beyond a Reasonable Doubt”


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