In the past few days Biden has..
1. S

t his pants 6 times.
2. Talked to Harry Truman about nuken Japan.
3. Sniffed 3 second grader girls hair.
4. Drank a 6 pack of Ensure.
5. Told a group of veterans his son was killed in Nam.
6. Received trial exemption because of incompetence. Celebrated by eating a banana split. Played with the little empty boat in the bathtub later that night.
7. Went into a full blown manic episode when he realized his high school football team from Scranton wasn't in the Super Bowl.
8. Had a meeting with the secret service .Let his German Shepherd hump his leg to prove he was friendly.
9. Called Winston Churchill and asked how the Queen was doing.
10. Pissed himself when a Maga Republican hollered at him saying he knew where his campaign bunker was located.