The 2024 Presidential Race Thread


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
All the illegal immigrant murderers were let in without vetting before releasing them into the population. Not only that but 8 ISIS connected men from Tajikistan were let in and were here for weeks before the vetting that happened AFTER they were let in revealed who they were.
Venezuela took full advantage of Biden's unlimited and unvetted illiegal immigration policy, they emptied their prisons, allowing huge numbers of their dangerous career criminals to rush into the US!


Well-Known Member
Just trying to inform the people.

You listen to that heavy brown :censored2:storm of a shart yet? Yeesh. It was BIG.
looks like Biden ripped a zesty one too. heres some never before seen footage from a different angle :)


Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
You know that’s a lie

View attachment 491691
It’s not a lie. It’s what he said.

Donald Trump said Wednesday that "there has to be some form of punishment" for women who have abortions. He walked that statement back dramatically just hours later, but not before causing a huge media firestorm.

It was widely reported at the time.