Well-Known Member
- Why framing / headline / social-promo of stories takes a certain shape so predictably as to have given rise to the Pitchbot - Why no retrospective public discussion, at all, about coverage in 2016 (Her emails!!!!) and lessons thereof. After Iraq WMD coverage, NYT under Bill Keller did a public retrospective ("what we got wrong") etc - Why no public explanation of diff between coverage of HRC/Podesta Russian-hacked emails and silence on Trump Iranian-hacked emails - Why diff between extent / persistence of Biden "fitness to govern" cognitive overage vs Trump-cognitive issues. - Thoughts about proportion of "guy in a diner" stories, vs "women in the suburbs" stories. And proportion of "econ is good but feels bad" stories. - Whether there's a diff in general outlook of coverage of US politics (need for "balance") vs coverage of the rest of the range of news. And so on
James Fallows
James Fallows