I mostly want to be clear on what we should all be ready for from the left if Trump wins the election. Calling Trump and half the country Nazis seems like an implied call to violent action if those doing the accusing truly believe it. I don't think @fishtm2001 does truly believe it but it's probably good to ask.
I agree.
And that's why I don't like the cheapening of the name calling on both sides.
If you believe all Democrats are part of an underground pedophile ring that is trying to create a socialist hellscape for the world, then you'd be perfectly justified in believing you should take your guns and go kill them.
And since very few do, it leads me to believe that most right wingers *don't* actually believe that. But they won't stop

ing saying it, and soon enough we'll find the short bus kid who doesn't understand it's hyperbole, and tries to go be a hero with a stolen gun.
Normalizing calls for violence is gonna be standard for most of the internet, but it doesn't need to come here. Unless my dispatcher decides to be a commie and spread more stops out in my loop.