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This chick was...Hickory dickery dock....
This chick was...Hickory dickery dock....
K seriously lets get back to turdcare. I hear that they will put you on a payment plan if you need to have a cavity filled. Lmao! It's only 71 dollars a month for 5 years! Lol
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I feel so bad for you. Maybe you can pick up a couple late pick ups to make some extra cash.K seriously lets get back to turdcare. I hear that they will put you on a payment plan if you need to have a cavity filled. Lmao! It's only 71 dollars a month for 5 years! Lol
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Millions of working class Americans have lost their insurance or are having to pay much more to keep it, loosing their doctors, getting hours cut at work & being let go & you say the verdict is still out. I have a feeling if this was happening because of some a law rammed through by another party your feelings would be a little different. Must be an emotional investment with you because it certainly makes no logical sense to stand back & allow it to continue with no push back.Nope. The verdict is still out. People like to blame and jump on the woe is me bandwagon. When people are scared or mad it's a contagious virus. In the end I have faith that it all works out.
You only hate RTW because you've been told to. If our union had put forth as much effort to block the ACA as it did RTW we wouldn't be having this debate about our declining benefits. RTW has proven to be inconsequential in my state where as Obamacare has been quite devastating for much of the working class & you know it.You're one of those RTW anti union people aren't you
Obamacare wasn't a factor during those 20+ years.I've had teamster run health for 20 years. Never been better. Never been an issue. 47 million in the tank. Don't fear it. You guys want to call me, 407, Stone and a few others company men for voting yes? I would feel more like a "company man" by allowing UPS to control my health care. And that doesn't sit well with me.
UghAtomic, that is the one thing we can't seem to get through their heads. ObamaCare is going to make Teamcare " Unsustainable", why is that so hard for them to understand?
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I've had teamster run health for 20 years. Never been better. Never been an issue. 47 million in the tank. Don't fear it. You guys want to call me, 407, Stone and a few others company men for voting yes? I would feel more like a "company man" by allowing UPS to control my health care. And that doesn't sit well with me.
~A liar knows that he is a liar, but one who speaks mere portions of truth in order to deceive is a craftsman of destruction.~
Tell us about this exemption. Be specific because Hoffa said he was being stonewalled from the White house, nothing about an exemption. Maybe you know something he doesn't.Why is it hard to understand that Union Exemption will given?
~A liar knows that he is a liar, but one who speaks mere portions of truth in order to deceive is a craftsman of destruction.~
Stink, I know what you are saying, but fact is that the company is providing the funds to provide our pension and health and welfare plans. They already have control, hence the problem.
I guess it's just easier for these guys to embrace a lie than face the truth. They've done everything from trying to spin Hoffa's own words to inventing unheard of exemptions to 2nd grade name calling & insults. Its like some kind of weird cult the way they refuse to denounce their failed Messiah for his destructive healthcare law & the impact its having on union & non-union working class Americans across the country.Atomic, that is the one thing we can't seem to get through their heads. ObamaCare is going to make Teamcare " Unsustainable", why is that so hard for them to understand?
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Control over what? UPS' responsibility ends as soon as they forward the funds to the Union. They have no say in how the money is spent, who administers the plan or the level of benefits provided to the members. It is up to the Union to use those funds in the most efficient manner possible to serve the members in the best manner possible. I am in a Teamster health plan. Ours is administered by Excellus BC/BS. I have absolutely no complaints about the way the plan is run or the level of benefits provided. As of our last meeting the Union has an 18 month surplus in our health care plan.
Do you think this will continue to be the case when the Affordable Care Act legislation takes full affect?Control over what? UPS' responsibility ends as soon as they forward the funds to the Union. They have no say in how the money is spent, who administers the plan or the level of benefits provided to the members. It is up to the Union to use those funds in the most efficient manner possible to serve the members in the best manner possible. I am in a Teamster health plan. Ours is administered by Excellus BC/BS. I have absolutely no complaints about the way the plan is run or the level of benefits provided. As of our last meeting the Union has an 18 month surplus in our health care plan.