The BENGAZI hearing to nowhere number 10...


Well-Known Member
Actually, what I said is that if they dislike or distrust their elected civilian leaders, they could always seek employment elsewhere.

So as a dedicated career military or defense individual I would then either risk my life knowing my POTUS would not send the cavalry or the option you so callously provided which is to seek employment elsewhere?

Why not a leader who has my back instead so I can do what I have committed to.

Whether Hillary has their backs and ours as well is something that needs to be determined by evaluating how she handled this event. To fully evaluate this event and make that determination the government needs to stop playing games and release all information requested.

I don't see why Hillary supporters don't want the government doing so if they truly believe she did a good job. Why not release it and quickly get this behind us?


Well-Known Member
Excerpt from Gowdy's opening comments:
"If those previous congressional investigations were really serious and thorough, how did they miss Ambassador Stevens' e-mails? If those previous investigations were serious and thorough, how did they miss Secretary Clinton's e-mails? If those congressional investigations really were serious and thorough, why did they fail to interview dozens of key State Department witnesses, including agents on the ground who experienced the attacks firsthand?'


Staff member
This going to be like the birth certificate issue, with a dwindling number of hapless dead enders yammering on about it for years, long after the rest of the country has moved on.


nowhere special
This going to be like the birth certificate issue, with a dwindling number of hapless dead enders yammering on about it for years, long after the rest of the country has moved on.

Just say "What difference does it make now" after stalling for years hoping the public will forget you mean?


Well-Known Member
This going to be like the birth certificate issue, with a dwindling number of hapless dead enders yammering on about it for years, long after the rest of the country has moved on.

Does not have to be all the state department has to do is stop stalling and release everything quickly.


Engorged Member
What does that have to do with Bengazi? Typical liberal tactic of attempted deflection when the truth hurts.

Oh, you mean the truth that the Benghazi hearings are a waste of time and that nothing incriminating will be discovered? Just like the birth certificate.


nowhere special
Oh, you mean the truth that the Benghazi hearings are a waste of time and that nothing incriminating will be discovered? Just like the birth certificate.

Did I say that? You only wish the hearing would end before all the facts are uncovered. The hearings would have been completed a long time ago if the State Dept provided the requested materials. And they are just now learning details they didn't know about and Hillary's State never admitted to having. Hillary absolutely admitted to lying in her testimony no matter how hard you attempt to spin it into something else in hopes it will go away. They may recall Hillary to testify again if more new evidence warrants it.

Hillary wanted to make it all about her. She was the only witness who insisted on publicity. You just don't hear about the other witnesses on the liberal media that seems to be your only source of information.


Well-Known Member
Oh, you mean the truth that the Benghazi hearings are a waste of time and that nothing incriminating will be discovered? Just like the birth certificate.

It will take us years to find out since the Obama administration is dragging its feet . They say Hillary is innocent. Release all the documents lets see.


Well-Known Member
One of the new things that came out of the most recent hearings was that the state department ignored over 600 requests for extra security. This number was much higher then previously thought. Clear neglect. A complete release of all information will possibly show how these requests were continuously ignored and who was responsible. Fixing the process will then give our loyal and committed state and defense workers much more security to work in.

In Stevens case not only were his requests ignored but extra security was removed. It got so bad that Stevens actually hired a couple of extra people to supplement his staff outside of what was provided by the state department. obviously not enough.

Another thing that came out of previous embassy attacks was to give the secretary of state direct responsibility to ensure her folks in the field were protected. In Clintons case not only does it appear she was not directly involved but it appears she was completely disengaged from the process. Thus she violated procedures that were already in place due to past embassy attacks.

Plain and simple her lack of performance in performing her job led directly to those Americans dying needlessly. All of this information is available in the complete transcripts posted on the Washington post web site.