Well-Known Member
Or all the gullible libetal followers that believe everything the Democrats tell them.
be nice he's clearly one of them....

Or all the gullible libetal followers that believe everything the Democrats tell them.
Aaand here comes the crazy train... Any word on that birth certificate?Or all the gullible libetal followers that believe everything the Democrats tell them.
Aaand here comes the crazy train... Any word on that birth certificate?
RB1 has links to youtube videos and everything, he can prove the BC is a fake.Hillary was the original birther , ask her.
Hillary was the original birther , ask her.
Hillary was the original birther , ask her.
That piece has like facts and logic in it! Must be left wing trash!Was Hillary Clinton the Original ‘Birther’?
But none of those stories suggests any link between the Clinton campaign, let alone Clinton herself, and the advocacy of theories questioning Obama’s birth in Hawaii.
One of the authors of the Politico story, Byron Tau, now a reporter for the Wall Street Journal, told via email that “we never found any links between the Clinton campaign and the rumors in 2008.”
The other coauthor of the Politico story, Ben Smith, now the editor-in-chief of BuzzFeed, said in a May 2013 interview on MSNBC that the conspiracy theories traced back to “some of [Hillary Clinton’s] passionate supporters,” during the final throes of Clinton’s 2008 campaign. But he said they did not come from “Clinton herself or her staff.”
Conspiracy theorists are never interested in the facts, looks like RB1 has a co-conspirator!Nice try not interested.
Conspiracy theorists are never interested in the facts, looks like RB1 has a co-conspirator!
Pretty funny coming from the guy who says he's not interested in because it debunks his birther conspiracy theoriesIf the conspiracy is you being a gullible liberal then I'm in.
Excerpt from Gowdy's opening comments:
"If those previous congressional investigations were really serious and thorough, how did they miss Ambassador Stevens' e-mails? If those previous investigations were serious and thorough, how did they miss Secretary Clinton's e-mails? If those congressional investigations really were serious and thorough, why did they fail to interview dozens of key State Department witnesses, including agents on the ground who experienced the attacks firsthand?'
No one was drafted. The guy knew what he was getting into when he voluntarily involved himself with buying and selling weapons to terrorists in the middle east. This is what happens when we play toy soldier with middle eastern politics.
Admit it, you would still vote for Hillary even if she was charged with felonies by the FBI?Aaand here comes the crazy train... Any word on that birth certificate?
Admit it, you would still vote for Hillary even if she was charged with felonies by the FBI?
Wouldn't you?
The FBI is going to "charge Hillary with felonies"? Will this be right after they announce that Obama's birth certificate is a fake?Admit it, you would still vote for Hillary even if she was charged with felonies by the FBI?
Wouldn't you?
No one was drafted. The guy knew what he was getting into when he voluntarily involved himself with buying and selling weapons to terrorists in the middle east. This is what happens when we play toy soldier with middle eastern politics.
What difference does it make? None at all. Republicans and Democrats are gonna keep up the game no matter how many hearings we have about this one event.
Admit it, you would still vote for Hillary even if she was charged with felonies by the FBI?
Wouldn't you?