So TOS you are pleased with the outcome from the hearings ?
Clinton is, undoubtedly, the person most responsible for getting America into the international effort that toppled the regime of Muammar Gaddafi .
While Gaddafi certainly was no saint, he was capable of keeping order in a troubled region and was willing to work with the West .
The dictator gave up all of his weapons of mass destruction following the Iraq war and kept illegal migrants from trying to get into Europe .
Prior to the Benghazi attack, she was happy to have it known as “
Hillary’s War” and touted it as a serious accomplishment.
Libya is now a failed state where all types of Islamic extremists find safe haven and illegal migrants are able to pass through on their way to an over-burdened Europe.
There are no signs of success at all in the beleaguered country as it has descended into total anarchy.
Appearing to have learned nothing from the disastrous venture into Libya, Hillary wants to make the dreams of Islamic extremists come true by
enforcing a no-fly zone against the Assad regime if she gets elected president.