The big bang theory

Poop Head

Judge me.
look who profits off the treatments


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Yep, you ridicule anything that doesn't fit your narrative. Care to explain Neanderthals? They were human, but not homo sapiens. Are you familiar with mitochondrial DNA? Outside of normal DNA, passed down through mothers. Scientists can trace mutations through it on a timeline. Seems there is a genetic bottleneck in it that occurred about 70,000 years ago. What else occurred about 70,000 years ago? A super volcano exploded in what is now Indonesia. So powerful that humans almost went extinct. Believed the worldwide human population went as low as 10,000. If the one under Yellowstone ever goes off life as we know it would disappear. There are things being pieced together to get a better understanding of our world, our past, and our possible future. If you believe in God then you know he gave us the wherewithal to reason, to question, and not just blindly accept what is told us to us by our political and religious leaders. Because too many times our leaders are just manipulating us to their own ends.
What in the world VanMan?
I don't have a narrative.
Neanderthals? That's the offspring of @El Correcto and @It will be fine .

Oh yes, the story of life..go into museums all over the country and see the evolutionist's demonstrate what it was.
In replicas, from his imagined earliest forms of life to his imagined later life forms. Demonstrated life forms changed and changing from one form to another, through lizard to bird to animal and man. So, so, stupid.
But to a person with just a little sense, the evolutionist's work is nothing but a hoax of anthropology and an adroit use, of plaster of Paris. Two million people pass through the museum of Natural History in New York each year and believe the hog wash.

Oh yes, the link. The link that ties man to the lower animals, through a process of mutation, are the Nebraska Man, the Neanderthal Man, and, at one time, the Piltdown Man.
It's all a hoax . Check out the story of the Piltdown man. Funny.
Neanderthal man first proposed in 1856 as one of the "missing links" and was abandoned as an ancestral species by anthropologies in the 1960s and 1970s. Why?
The fossil record has found no missing link.
The theories of men can change daily but the Lord "is the same yesterday, today and forever" (Heb. 13:8). Maybe one day, man, in all his wisdom, will find the answer God gave a long time ago about how man began. "In the Beginning, God..."

I think you watch too much of the Discovery channel.

Tom MacDonald

Max E. Pads
Yes. 3 year olds who get cancer were obviously just eating bad food. LOL

Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me.

We gave those children cancer through our sin


Well-Known Member
What in the world VanMan?
I don't have a narrative.
Neanderthals? That's the offspring of @El Correcto and @It will be fine .

Oh yes, the story of life..go into museums all over the country and see the evolutionist's demonstrate what it was.
In replicas, from his imagined earliest forms of life to his imagined later life forms. Demonstrated life forms changed and changing from one form to another, through lizard to bird to animal and man. So, so, stupid.
But to a person with just a little sense, the evolutionist's work is nothing but a hoax of anthropology and an adroit use, of plaster of Paris. Two million people pass through the museum of Natural History in New York each year and believe the hog wash.

Oh yes, the link. The link that ties man to the lower animals, through a process of mutation, are the Nebraska Man, the Neanderthal Man, and, at one time, the Piltdown Man.
It's all a hoax . Check out the story of the Piltdown man. Funny.
Neanderthal man first proposed in 1856 as one of the "missing links" and was abandoned as an ancestral species by anthropologies in the 1960s and 1970s. Why?
The fossil record has found no missing link.
The theories of men can change daily but the Lord "is the same yesterday, today and forever" (Heb. 13:8). Maybe one day, man, in all his wisdom, will find the answer God gave a long time ago about how man began. "In the Beginning, God..."

I think you watch too much of the Discovery channel.
It's well established that Neanderthals lived across Europe and in the Middle East. Plenty of skeletons, cave art, tools and weapons. They were intelligent, had fire, and physically much stronger than homo sapiens. Ah, but how can any human unlike our humans exist?