The big bang theory

El Correcto

god is dead
I'm glad I could unite browncafe in hatred of God. This is the most unified current events I've ever seen.
I can’t even really speak to the left wing people about politics right now with out calling for blood, so I avoid it.

I can still speak to you without doing that. I don’t hate you or your silly Jewish fairytales. Being religious and praying to God is a pretty normal thing to do. Taking it to the level of showing me pictures of “Noah’s Ark” and claiming sins cause childhood cancer or that angel’s had sex with people is just stupid and I’ll mock you for it.

Tom MacDonald

Max E. Pads
I can’t even really speak to the left wing people about politics right now with out calling for blood, so I avoid it.

I can still speak to you without doing that. I don’t hate you or your silly Jewish fairytales. Being religious and praying to God is a pretty normal thing to do. Taking it to the level of showing me pictures of “Noah’s Ark” and claiming sins cause childhood cancer or that angel’s had sex with people is just stupid and I’ll mock you for it.
Then you've chosen to mock the bible and Christianity, while admiting that you cant talk to left wingers without calling for blood.

Btw. A left winger liked your post 🤔😁


I'm a star
Yep, you ridicule anything that doesn't fit your narrative. Care to explain Neanderthals? They were human, but not homo sapiens. Are you familiar with mitochondrial DNA? Outside of normal DNA, passed down through mothers. Scientists can trace mutations through it on a timeline. Seems there is a genetic bottleneck in it that occurred about 70,000 years ago. What else occurred about 70,000 years ago? A super volcano exploded in what is now Indonesia. So powerful that humans almost went extinct. Believed the worldwide human population went as low as 10,000. If the one under Yellowstone ever goes off life as we know it would disappear. There are things being pieced together to get a better understanding of our world, our past, and our possible future. If you believe in God then you know he gave us the wherewithal to reason, to question, and not just blindly accept what is told us to us by our political and religious leaders. Because too many times our leaders are just manipulating us to their own ends.

Another example of scientific understanding evolving over time. The fact that people put so much faith in the scientific dogma of the day, while ridiculing religion is just one of the many absurdities of the human condition.



Well-Known Member
Another example of scientific understanding evolving over time. The fact that people put so much faith in the scientific dogma of the day, while ridiculing religion is just one of the many absurdities of the human condition.

But the point was some scientists studying mitochondrial DNA have noticed they can trace mutations back generations and often these mutations correspond with significant events. They may be totally wrong for all I know but I'm not going to stick my fingers in my ears, scrunch my eyes, and drown out anything I don't like with lah-lah-lah's. I'm going to listen, see if there is anything that confirms their thesis, or at least appears to. I don't know for a fact that there were once giants roaming North America. But those uncomfortable with that narrative because it might conflict with what they hold dear are really no different than those who condemned Copernicus for his observations. People should stop the knee jerk condemnations and give things a chance.


Well-Known Member
Another example of scientific understanding evolving over time. The fact that people put so much faith in the scientific dogma of the day, while ridiculing religion is just one of the many absurdities of the human condition.

And we know for a fact that mitochondrial DNA passes from mother to child. That's not quite the same as fathers may sometimes contribute as a study suggests.

Tom MacDonald

Max E. Pads
Hitler believed in evolution and killed a bunch of Jews because he thought he was the "superior race" and he was trying to accelerate evolution.

Tom MacDonald

Max E. Pads
In 1904 the World's Fair was held in st Louis Missouri

A special display are was set up using pygmies in order to demonstrate their lack of evolutionary progress.

Tom MacDonald

Max E. Pads
Theodore roosevelt thought the Indians were an inferior species and that they hadn't "evolved as far"

"I wish very much that the wrong people could be prevented entirely from breeding"

Tom MacDonald

Max E. Pads
"The chief distinction in the intellectual powers of the two sexes is shown by man's attaining to a higher eminence, in whatever he takes up, than can woman. Whether requiring deep thought, reason, imagination, or merely the use of the senses and hands... the average mental power in a man must be above that in a woman"

Wow darwin was a racist and a sexist.