The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?


Strength through joy
NY caps the amount of free housing at 8 weeks.
Massachusetts allows for 9 months. ( which will most likely never be enforced )
Massachusetts has quickly gone from a budget surplus to a deficit.


Strength through joy
  • Edward Johnson, 57, has carried out a wave of attacks in the last five years
  • The illegal migrant, living in New York City, has been arrested dozens of times on charges including firearm offences but has only spent eight months in jail
  • He was released two days after his latest attack - with fears he'll strike again


Strength through joy
  • Travis Wolfe, a 12-year-old boy, from St. Louis, Missouri, succumbed to injuries sustained in a tragic car crash three months after the incident
  • Collision occurred when the car he was in collided head-on with another vehicle, driven by a Endrina Bracho, a Venezuelan migrant going twice the speed limit
  • Travis suffered severe brain injuries and was on life support but did not recover


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King

Commercial Inside Release

Well-Known Member
Next census will be 2030.
Decennial Census (every 10 years or decade.)

There is a planning census (the 2024 Census Survey) for a result in 2025. It is administrative for testing, training and retooling for the 2030 official census. The Census Survey is not official.

Although it can be costly, it would be fantastic if there was a census every 5 years. It would better reflect the rapid changes in demographics, and the expotential growth that occurs now days.

We all know of places that have turned to pure crap in 10-20 years, and a mid-decennial count would be great for tracking what is going on... It would be very useful for planning and investment, with less sleazy manipulation.

An example of the manipulations can be seen at any boom town. When the boom is over, the greedy local politicians keep on raising fees, making higher assessments, expanding their pet projects, saddling the community with astronomic bond issues, raising local taxes... And often the data they advertise to accomplish these measures is as much as 9.5 years old.

A small boom town could go from a population of say 30,000 to 45,000 in 10 years, then begin declining shortyafter the census. The public is oblivious that the population is headed back down to 30,000 (or lower), while the local politicians, commissioners, business bureaus, chambers of commerce, and financial elites lie to them and try to milk profits at the publics future expense.

This is the main corruption that makes the boom-followed-by-bust so commonplace.

It also causes places to be hyped as booming and fantastic, but people arriving there quickly realize they've been duped.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member

Trump's to-do list


□ Replace Obamacare

□ Build the wall and get Mexico to pay

√ Giagantic tax cut to billionaires and corporations and blow up the budget

√ Take Top Secret SCI documents home and refuse to give them back after asked