The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Thank you Governor of Texas for sending us your problems.
When would it be a problem for your state?
You’re the problem. Not recognizing one state has this issue and you have turned a blind eye until now.
Here I thought we were the United States… you can’t find two people united much less two states.


Well-Known Member
Thank you Governor of Texas for sending us your problems.
So allowing millions in illegally into Texas, violating the Constitution, isn't the problem, it's the governor of Texas insisting that sanctuary cities, who give illegals incentives to come here, share in the burden our Federal government has created. Do you even listen to yourself? Think illegal immigration will be a big winner for you in November?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Well-Known Member
Dems are planning on counting all the illegal's in the census.

So Biden issues an executive order counting illegals in the census then turns on the border spigot. And all this time I thought it was because Democrats were concerned about the persecution and war these folks were experiencing in 160+ countries and wanted to show what a great, caring, welcoming country America is. So welcoming in fact that they were bypassing many countries to come here. And some of those countries were saying, hmmm, looks like the Americans aren't bothering to check backgrounds so lets get rid of our prison populations. And the Americans were/are saying who cares if they're hardened criminals? If they commit a crime we just let them back on the street immediately anyways. Send them on, we need a body count for the census.

This is a betrayal of our citizens. Every citizen who is murdered, raped, robbed by an illegal immigrant is a victim who should've never been a victim. Anyone who makes excuses for this isn't much better than the illegals committing heinous acts. When Benjamin Franklin replied "a republic, if you can keep it" he wasn't talking about fighting enemies from without. No, we have to worry about our own citizens who want to control and dominate everyone else and won't stop until they accomplish this. Anyone who thinks that political power shouldn't be shared, but must be under the control of one party with its vision for the country being the only allowed vision, isn't a friend of democracy.


Well-Known Member
Feel a little foolish? The rest of us knew this a few years ago...
Not at all. It's called snark, intended for our liberal forum participants who talk about how a great country cares about those in need. You may have not noticed but I've been highly critical of all of this since Biden threw open the border 3 years ago.

What amazes me is the huge story that the Biden administration has been flying in illegals directly from Latin America to 43 different airports. 325,000 in 2023 alone. That's information buried in Border Patrol data that was discovered by a watchdog group who obtained the data through a FOIA request. Yet it seems it was ho hummed on this forum. We've become so desensitized to all the border issues that our administration using our tax dollars to secretly bring in people who haven't been vetted, but will help them accomplish a political goal, doesn't seem to even raise an eyebrow.


Legio patria nostra
Not at all. It's called snark, intended for our liberal forum participants who talk about how a great country cares about those in need. You may have not noticed but I've been highly critical of all of this since Biden threw open the border 3 years ago.

What amazes me is the huge story that the Biden administration has been flying in illegals directly from Latin America to 43 different airports. 325,000 in 2023 alone. That's information buried in Border Patrol data that was discovered by a watchdog group who obtained the data through a FOIA request. Yet it seems it was ho hummed on this forum. We've become so desensitized to all the border issues that our administration using our tax dollars to secretly bring in people who haven't been vetted, but will help them accomplish a political goal, doesn't seem to even raise an eyebrow.
I didn't catch the first and did the 2nd.
I deleted the coment rather than seem like I was attacking you.