The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
I’ve live in an area that’s been very White for a long time because of a high concentration of Amish and Mennonite people for the last 100 years. In the past year I’ve noticed a lot more Brown people in the area. It’s making me nervous, not because I don’t like diversity, because I do. The problem comes in when demographics tip past a point to the other side. An honest person can admit that people from Third World countries don’t have and probably won’t for a long time, have the same standards as the average hard working American.

Where I lived in VA outside of Washington, DC I saw that balance tip to the other side with negative effects. The little things like, lots of litter on roadsides, trash cans overflowing in shopping centers, etc, to people with 10 cars in their yards. Those little things start adding up.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I’ve live in an area that’s been very White for a long time because of a high concentration of Amish and Mennonite people for the last 100 years. In the past year I’ve noticed a lot more Brown people in the area. It’s making me nervous, not because I don’t like diversity, because I do. The problem comes in when demographics tip past a point to the other side. An honest person can admit that people from Third World countries don’t have and probably won’t for a long time, have the same standards as the average hard working American.

Where I lived in VA outside of Washington, DC I saw that balance tip to the other side with negative effects. The little things like, lots of litter on roadsides, trash cans overflowing in shopping centers, etc, to people with 10 cars in their yards. Those little things start adding up.
Sell now while you can. It’s not gonna get better. Meantime, get a gun, get proficient with it and carry it everywhere.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Sell now while you can. It’s not gonna get better. Meantime, get a gun, get proficient with it and carry it everywhere.
At this point, I’m stuck. Can’t afford to buy anywhere except BFE. My neighborhood itself is still 100% White from what I’ve seen. They really screen all buyers. I don’t know if they’re purposefully keeping out minorities or if minorities are not trying to buy there. Either way, I have no control over it so I don’t worry about it.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
At this point, I’m stuck. Can’t afford to buy anywhere except BFE. My neighborhood itself is still 100% White from what I’ve seen. They really screen all buyers. I don’t know if they’re purposefully keeping out minorities or if minorities are not trying to buy there. Either way, I have no control over it so I don’t worry about it.
Carry a gun, madam.