The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Looks like Trump is right again. Murderers and rapist have been released into our country.

ICE Director Patrick Lechleitner detailed how over 13,000 illegal immigrants in the US were found guilty of homicide and an additional 15,000 have been found guilty of sexual assault

Shocking data shows 13K illegal immigrants in US accused of murder.​



Strength through joy
President Joe Biden’s administration is allowing up to 650,000 criminal migrants and suspects — including at least 13,099 migrant murderers and 222,141 migrants facing criminal charges — to roam through American communities,


Legio patria nostra
American English is just a hodge podge of everything else. A “melting pot” language. Cardboard is your friend. It doesn’t grade papers.
Those that barely made it through school believe dis....

The rest of us know it to be false.

Now to content. Take the jibberish highlighted above as an example of, well....blabbering jibberish. Makes no sense and has no logical association.