The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Lori Lightfoot, the mayor of Chicago (A designated sanctuary city) Loaded up the newest residents from south of the border, and bussed them to the suburb of Burr Ridge, Illinois (not a sanctuary city). Of course, this upset the mayor of Burr Ridge. A classic example of NIMBY! Governor Greg Abbot is showing the rest of the country what we go thru on a daily basis x1000.
Bus them back to Mexico


Well-Known Member
I wonder if the people crossing the border are being romanced (indoctrinated) into voting democrat?
Combined with Buyden's student loan forgiveness, guess who is gonna win the next election?

We're doomed.


Well-Known Member
As someone who owns a landscaping biz I love illegals. Why pay a white guy $25 an hour when I got Antonio over there for $100 a day.
Why indeed? The white guy has a family, a mortgage, a car payment. Why help him pay for all that when Antonio is willing to live in a shack with 15 others?


Well-Known Member
Why indeed? The white guy has a family, a mortgage, a car payment. Why help him pay for all that when Antonio is willing to live in a shack with 15 others?
White guys don't want to do landscaping or roofs. And the white guys that do landscaping or roofs don't have a family, mortgage or car payment. There are a few but most are high school dropouts with legal and/or chemical dependency issues. The only white guys I know that do landscaping or roofs hire Antonio and his 14 friends.


Well-Known Member
Devin Nunes uses illegals on his family farm in Iowa.
You want white only farm workers? Watch food prices increase.
You want white only roofers? Watch construction prices increase and waiting a year or more to get it fixed.
You want white only landscapers? Get out the lawn mower and weed wacker.
You want white only restaurant workers? Get back in the kitchen and cook. Then wash your dishes.
You want white only farm workers? Watch food prices increase.
You want white only roofers? Watch construction prices increase and waiting a year or more to get it fixed.
You want white only landscapers? Get out the lawn mower and weed wacker.
You want white only restaurant workers? Get back in the kitchen and cook. Then wash your dishes.
I was pointing out the hypocrisy of the wingnuts.


Well-Known Member
You want white only farm workers? Watch food prices increase.
You want white only roofers? Watch construction prices increase and waiting a year or more to get it fixed.
You want white only landscapers? Get out the lawn mower and weed wacker.
You want white only restaurant workers? Get back in the kitchen and cook. Then wash your dishes.
Racist much?


Well-Known Member
White guys don't want to do landscaping or roofs. And the white guys that do landscaping or roofs don't have a family, mortgage or car payment. There are a few but most are high school dropouts with legal and/or chemical dependency issues. The only white guys I know that do landscaping or roofs hire Antonio and his 14 friends.
you libs always confuse illegal immigration with legal immigration to make your argument for illegal immigration.
no one is against taking the number of legal workers we need to do the jobs we have.

seal the border so we know who's coming across.
then let in however many doucmented workers we need.
then we can have our border police concentrate on drug interdiction rather than babysitting all the illegals swarming the border.