The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
she stays so far from the border she nevers sees an illegal. problem solved.
I like the video of her saying that displayed split screen, the other side video of a conga line of illegal's flooding in.

Kommie also blamed the former administration for the problem. Guess she forgot how Biden declared war on border security? This is all on them.
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Where is the hypocrisy? I didn’t see any except from you. Using a political hit piece that is unproven seems hypocritical.

In fairness Nunes and King aren't the only hypocrites;

The Washington Post reports that the Trump Organization currently employs a “roving crew of Latin American employees” to perform masonry and maintenance work at his winery and various golf clubs around the country. For almost two decades, the group has been comprised of workers who came into the US illegally—the penalty for which the president seemingly believes should be death—according to two former crew members. Another one, who still works for Trump, told reporters Joshua Partlow and David A. Fahrenthold that remains the case today. President Trump “doesn’t want undocumented people in the country,” said Jorge Castro, an Ecuadorian immigrant without legal status who left the company last spring after nine years. “But at his properties, he still has them.” He added: “If you’re a good worker, papers don’t matter.”


Inordinately Right

In fairness Nunes and King aren't the only hypocrites;

The Washington Post reports that the Trump Organization currently employs a “roving crew of Latin American employees” to perform masonry and maintenance work at his winery and various golf clubs around the country. For almost two decades, the group has been comprised of workers who came into the US illegally—the penalty for which the president seemingly believes should be death—according to two former crew members. Another one, who still works for Trump, told reporters Joshua Partlow and David A. Fahrenthold that remains the case today. President Trump “doesn’t want undocumented people in the country,” said Jorge Castro, an Ecuadorian immigrant without legal status who left the company last spring after nine years. “But at his properties, he still has them.” He added: “If you’re a good worker, papers don’t matter.”
Fake news.
They employ legal immigrants.


Well-Known Member

In fairness Nunes and King aren't the only hypocrites;

The Washington Post reports that the Trump Organization currently employs a “roving crew of Latin American employees” to perform masonry and maintenance work at his winery and various golf clubs around the country. For almost two decades, the group has been comprised of workers who came into the US illegally—the penalty for which the president seemingly believes should be death—according to two former crew members. Another one, who still works for Trump, told reporters Joshua Partlow and David A. Fahrenthold that remains the case today. President Trump “doesn’t want undocumented people in the country,” said Jorge Castro, an Ecuadorian immigrant without legal status who left the company last spring after nine years. “But at his properties, he still has them.” He added: “If you’re a good worker, papers don’t matter.”
Well they might be hypocrites I don’t know, but I guarantee you you are , and that’s what I was talking about. That’s the thing about hypocrites they never realize they’re one.


Strength through joy

  • Nearly 1,000 migrants have been released in El Paso in the past week, as the border crisis continues
  • Many have been left sleeping on the street without access to toilets or showers, causing vile conditions
  • Surge of migrants, mostly from Venezuela, has overwhelmed Border Patrol across Texas
  • With facilities overwhelmed, many are being dropped off near bus stations and left to fend for themselves
  • 'It's almost apocalyptic,' says US Rep. Tony Gonzales, with El Paso also likened to a third world country


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns

  • Nearly 1,000 migrants have been released in El Paso in the past week, as the border crisis continues
  • Many have been left sleeping on the street without access to toilets or showers, causing vile conditions
  • Surge of migrants, mostly from Venezuela, has overwhelmed Border Patrol across Texas
  • With facilities overwhelmed, many are being dropped off near bus stations and left to fend for themselves
  • 'It's almost apocalyptic,' says US Rep. Tony Gonzales, with El Paso also likened to a third world country
Are they here legally? If not, they are not migrants.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
You want white only farm workers? Watch food prices increase.
You want white only roofers? Watch construction prices increase and waiting a year or more to get it fixed.
You want white only landscapers? Get out the lawn mower and weed wacker.
You want white only restaurant workers? Get back in the kitchen and cook. Then wash your dishes.
You want open borders in order to exploit those you allow to enter?

What a shi-T human YOU are.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
You want white only farm workers? Watch food prices increase.
You want white only roofers? Watch construction prices increase and waiting a year or more to get it fixed.
You want white only landscapers? Get out the lawn mower and weed wacker.
You want white only restaurant workers? Get back in the kitchen and cook. Then wash your dishes.
Why confused race with US legal status?


Well-Known Member
I was pointing out the hypocrisy of the wingnuts.
Don't necessarily have to be white. Which group gets disproportionately affected by illegal labor? Read a black guy's post a few years back. Said blacks in Atlanta used to do just about all the construction work. Said now drive by any construction site and it's all illegal labor. The illegals do the work for considerably less. May be the case in Southern California that whites have substance abuse problems. But there are areas of the country where most people are white. Cities where the majority are black. And just about nationwide lower skilled yard work and higher paying construction jobs are filled with illegal labor. It puts more money in the pockets of the companies who hire them if you want to talk about hypocrisy.

I was working in the Texas Panhandle back in about 2007 if I remember right when INS raided a Swift meat packing plant in Plainview. Over 1000 illegal employees were arrested. Average pay for them was about $8hr with no benefits. But Swift got tipped off that the raid was going to happen. They started advertising for workers offering over $12hr with medical, dental, and paid vacations. They had the people necessary to quickly replace the illegals and keep the operation going. It's not that the companies necessarily can't pay better and offer competitive wages, for many it's about making more profit. Offering higher pay that locals need to make their obligations demonstrated that in areas like Plainview where decent paying jobs are hard to come by locals are willing to do the work if the pay and benefits are there. So the one-size-fits-all Americans won't do the work, are too lazy, have substance abuse issues doesn't apply to every city, every town, every job. Depends very much on local circumstances.


Well-Known Member

In fairness Nunes and King aren't the only hypocrites;

The Washington Post reports that the Trump Organization currently employs a “roving crew of Latin American employees” to perform masonry and maintenance work at his winery and various golf clubs around the country. For almost two decades, the group has been comprised of workers who came into the US illegally—the penalty for which the president seemingly believes should be death—according to two former crew members. Another one, who still works for Trump, told reporters Joshua Partlow and David A. Fahrenthold that remains the case today. President Trump “doesn’t want undocumented people in the country,” said Jorge Castro, an Ecuadorian immigrant without legal status who left the company last spring after nine years. “But at his properties, he still has them.” He added: “If you’re a good worker, papers don’t matter.”
And Nunes sued that author and Esquire for defamation.


Well-Known Member
The case got tossed from court.

Yes, then they reopened the case to go after the Devin Nunes Cow parody account on Twitter, but has stalled again.
Oh so you’re pointing out that they’re full of crap and it’s a hit piece? Thank you that’s about as honest as you’ve ever been.