The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?


Well-Known Member
Assimilate to what? Anglo-Yankee northeast culture? Or German-midwest? Or Scots-Irish Appalachian? Or Irish-Italian urban?

Every immigration wage we've had has fundamentally changed our existing culture and melted it to something new

The further we stray from the Anglo culture our Constitution was based on, the more trouble we'll have

Hispanics love big government, love big church, and love corruption; even when we eventually melt together, it will be a shadow of what America was
Yah, and the Spanish were in New Mexico before the English arrived. You might as well get used to the idea that as American citizens they have as much be here as you do.


Well-Known Member
No one has a "right" to be here, we conquered this land and until we are conquered back we choose who we let in
And we have chosen and their descendents are not only as much citizens as whites are but they also serve in the military. I'd be much more concerned about liberal whites and their social engineering than whether someone has more pigmentation than I do. The current group coming in are here at the behest of liberal whites. Be concerned about people using people to their own political ends. This invasion is on them.


Well-Known Member
This country is built on collateral damage. Lets not go there. You are in the midst of a demographic change sir. It cannot be stopped.
This is an artificial change. Bring people in through legal channels who have had their background and health checked back in their home country by State Department personnel.

For the millionth time, how many women have to be raped and murdered before the Left acknowledges they were wrong to open up the border?


Strength through joy


Well-Known Member
This is an artificial change. Bring people in through legal channels who have had their background and health checked back in their home country by State Department personnel.

For the millionth time, how many women have to be raped and murdered before the Left acknowledges they were wrong to open up the border?
Artificial yes. Money invented out of air with no work is artificial. Ask about the children who are unaccounted for also. Rape and murder don’t vote sir.
Violent criminals belong locked up.
Calling it modern slavery is nonsense.
There are none more violent than US prison system. Take away the $ incentive your prison population shrivels. We are in the land of men. No matter what we jack things up.


Well-Known Member
Artificial yes. Money invented out of air with no work is artificial. Ask about the children who are unaccounted for also. Rape and murder don’t vote sir.

There are none more violent than US prison system. Take away the $ incentive your prison population shrivels. We are in the land of men. No matter what we jack things up.
Doesn't change the fact that along with your millions of factory and field workers the Biden administration let in untold thousands of criminals and likely hundreds of terrorists, if not thousands. Does the desire for cheap labor trump the safety of our own citizens? And let's stop beating around.the bush. Millions of newcomers will eventually be made citizens. They will continue to have money thrown at them to keep them beholden to the Democratic Party. This is a naked grab for power and if a few citizens have to die here and there so be it.