The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?


Well-Known Member
Be sure to include dropping some migrants off in front of 24 Linnaean St, Cambridge, MA 02138.
Home of Lying Lizzie Warren. She has a nice fenced in yard that could easily hold a couple of dozen.
And Cambridge MA has always stated that they are a sanctuary city.
Unlike MV, find a translator will be easy.
Don't leave the big commie red Bernie out.
That takes a road trip to Vermont.


Well-Known Member
Do you even bother to read posts? '24 will be different from '16 because there are only two real players. '16 was when Trump came out on top after a bunch of raucous debates. If the Dems manage to keep Trump from running then DeSantis is the clear favorite and it will be a matter of who he tags as his running mate. I'm telling you this to lessen the trauma when you see a unified Republican Party kick the Dems to the curb. And think about it. You're counting on the Republican Party to be destroyed from within because you know the Dems have nothing to offer voters. Pretty sad state of affairs for your party.
It's one or the other.


Strength through joy

  • It comes as outrage mounts over El Paso's Democrat city officials busing migrants to New York City for weeks
  • City is seeking federal reimbursement for the bus program through FEMA


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King