The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?

Gotta Go

Well-Known Member


IE boogeyman
I’m okay with that for now. It’s a small win, but still a win. Hopefully, once they get all the facts they’ll realize illegal immigration is not good for the US and/or Americans.
the rootless globalist elites that engineered our immigration issues want to destroy the European-American culture of the US and replace it with a globalist multiracial society


Well-Known Member
the rootless globalist elites that engineered our immigration issues want to destroy the European-American culture of the US and replace it with a globalist multiracial society
At the same time we have a very large retiree generation but there's not enough younger people to sustain it and our economy. We can either keep the model going by letting in more people or learn to settle for a lot less.


IE boogeyman
At the same time we have a very large retiree generation but there's not enough younger people to sustain it and our economy. We can either keep the model going by letting in more people or learn to settle for a lot less.
:censored2: the retirees, the boomers literally sold our country out from under us to those subversives for short term gains

there is no scenario on this earth in which letting people from vastly inferior cultures enter the US to drag it down even farther


Well-Known Member
:censored2: the retirees, the boomers literally sold our country out from under us to those subversives for short term gains

there is no scenario on this earth in which letting people from vastly inferior cultures enter the US to drag it down even farther
Has nothing to do with the retirees. If you want the country to continue with the same type of economy you take for granted you have to have the manpower. It's a matter of how you get the manpower here. Obviously how they're handling it at the southern border isn't working. How they've been handling legal immigration has its issues too. Doing what Europe did letting in over a million mostly young Muslim men has caused them serious problems. We need young adults who've been vetted to weed out criminals. Preferably young educated adults with skills.

By the way the oldest Boomers are 76. Many of our country's leadership are in the previous generation, not Boomers. Most of that selling out took place with the previous generation.


IE boogeyman
Has nothing to do with the retirees. If you want the country to continue with the same type of economy you take for granted you have to have the manpower. It's a matter of how you get the manpower here. Obviously how they're handling it at the southern border isn't working. How they've been handling legal immigration has its issues too. Doing what Europe did letting in over a million mostly young Muslim men has caused them serious problems. We need young adults who've been vetted to weed out criminals. Preferably young educated adults with skills.

By the way the oldest Boomers are 76. Many of our country's leadership are in the previous generation, not Boomers. Most of that selling out took place with the previous generation.


Well-Known Member
And you laid blame squarely on the Boomers as the root of all our problems. The generation before the Boomers were mostly in charge in the 80's and 90's. Before casting aspersions one should educate thyself. Bro.


Well-Known Member
Listen here, my generations, innocent, where is generation X whatever that means
That was something I mentioned a week or two ago. Gen X is a very small generation. Which means that'll slow the economy down for about 10-14 years before the Millennials really take over. The U.S. and New Zealand are the only Western nations with a sizeable Millennial generation which means Europe, Japan, China, and elsewhere are going to have much worse problems as their populations age. There was a time when families were much larger. Meant free labor on the farm. But as nations industrialized and people moved into cities children became more of an economic burden and people started having a lot less of them. So instead of the population demographic chart looking like a pyramid it started looking like a column. And now has started turning into an inverted pyramid with a lot more retirees on the top and relatively few children on the bottom. When there are a lot more young adults to consume, and a lot more middle aged people investing, a retiree population can be sustained. When it's skewed in the opposite direction eventually it'll collapse. This has serious ramifications for future retirees. Save like crazy.


Well-Known Member
That was something I mentioned a week or two ago. Gen X is a very small generation. Which means that'll slow the economy down for about 10-14 years before the Millennials really take over. The U.S. and New Zealand are the only Western nations with a sizeable Millennial generation which means Europe, Japan, China, and elsewhere are going to have much worse problems as their populations age. There was a time when families were much larger. Meant free labor on the farm. But as nations industrialized and people moved into cities children became more of an economic burden and people started having a lot less of them. So instead of the population demographic chart looking like a pyramid it started looking like a column. And now has started turning into an inverted pyramid with a lot more retirees on the top and relatively few children on the bottom. When there are a lot more young adults to consume, and a lot more middle aged people investing, a retiree population can be sustained. When it's skewed in the opposite direction eventually it'll collapse. This has serious ramifications for future retirees. Save like crazy.
So I’m getting screwed again? great!


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
That was something I mentioned a week or two ago. Gen X is a very small generation. Which means that'll slow the economy down for about 10-14 years before the Millennials really take over. The U.S. and New Zealand are the only Western nations with a sizeable Millennial generation which means Europe, Japan, China, and elsewhere are going to have much worse problems as their populations age. There was a time when families were much larger. Meant free labor on the farm. But as nations industrialized and people moved into cities children became more of an economic burden and people started having a lot less of them. So instead of the population demographic chart looking like a pyramid it started looking like a column. And now has started turning into an inverted pyramid with a lot more retirees on the top and relatively few children on the bottom. When there are a lot more young adults to consume, and a lot more middle aged people investing, a retiree population can be sustained. When it's skewed in the opposite direction eventually it'll collapse. This has serious ramifications for future retirees. Save like crazy.
That’s a lot of writing. Slow day at the Goodwill store? Lol


Well-Known Member
Just read that a Republican just introduced a bill to abolish corporate and personal income taxes and replace it with the Fair Tax, a national sales/consumption tax. Probably won't go nowhere but it would be great if it did.
That would be great. That’s why it’s dead on arrival.