The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?


Legio patria nostra
tourism is like a product. if you have a bad experience, it makes you less likely to return

think of the economists report for how much money USA is losing on tourism yearly because of bad border guards
LOL. Over 40 million people visit NYC (alone) annually.
The biggest attraction in Canada is BC where we catch salmon.
You need to do your research.


Engorged Member


Legio patria nostra
Trump just told us on The CNN Town Hall that he finished The Wall. How will they possibly get in??
"Told us"....LOL
You probably watched every second and took in every syllable to collect material to keep yourself busy checking CNN on...

CNN, NYT, WAPO, other :censored2: rags do not have any comments on this statement you make.

You're either lying or hallucinating.


Well-Known Member
"Told us"....LOL
You probably watched every second and took in every syllable to collect material to keep yourself busy checking CNN on...

CNN, NYT, WAPO, other :censored2: rags do not have any comments on this statement you make.

You're either lying or hallucinating.

You can get the transcript on CNN and other websites.
Here’s what Trump said.

"I did finish the wall. I built a wall. I built hundreds of miles of wall, and I finished it, and then I said we have to build some more."


Legio patria nostra
You can get the transcript on CNN and other websites.
Here’s what Trump said.
One of the first things Dementia Joe did within his 1st 30 days in office was to sign an EO to immediately cease erection of the wall. It wasn’t stick built.
Why don’t you hunt further into the Trump archives and find where he defines where the biggest gaps were that were the #1 priority.



Well-Known Member
Mother :censored2:ers!
You’ve been duped.


Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
So are you happy now?

Happy? No, because while this story may have been found out to be false, there are other places where homeless veterans are living on the street while illegal aliens are being housed at taxpayer expense. IMO, veterans should be helped before anyone else (except children), especially illegal aliens,