The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?


Well-Known Member
Happy? No, because while this story may have been found out to be false, there are other places where homeless veterans are living on the street while illegal aliens are being housed at taxpayer expense. IMO, veterans should be helped before anyone else (except children), especially illegal aliens,

Meanwhile, Republicans want to gut veteran benefits to give their billionaire buddies more tax cuts.



Well-Known Member
Meanwhile, Republicans want to gut veteran benefits to give their billionaire buddies more tax cuts.

I'll wait to see what actually happens, not what might happen. Meanwhile we have to face the reality of what too much debt does to the budget.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Well-Known Member
With no mention of the Texas State National Guard and Department of Public Safety(state troopers) rolling out razor wire and backing the wire up at the river. Seriously have you never considered you're getting played by the liberal media?


Strength through joy

In addition to the more than 3,800 migrants apprehended this year, more than 1,800 more migrants are classified as known got-aways, according to an unofficial Border Patrol report reviewed by Breitbart. This brings the total number of known border crossers this year to more than 5,600 migrants.