The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Biden in charge...

Probably about time for @rickyb to do some more China cheerleading. Entertain us, comrade.
Do people escape China or does the government there control everything? Why is Biden letting them in?
Because Biden loves President Xi.

“more than 24,000 Chinese citizens have been apprehended crossing into the United States from Mexico in the past year. That is more than in the preceding 10 years combined, according to government data.”

“most succeed, in turn fueling further attempts. Chinese citizens are more successful than people from other countries with their asylum claims in immigration court. And those who are not end up staying anyway because China usually will not take them back.”

“The migrants are part of an exodus of citizens who have grown frustrated with harsh restrictions related to the coronavirus pandemic and the direction of Xi Jinping’s authoritarian government.”


Well-Known Member

If Dems think complete open borders is a good idea, why not run on that?
These are the same people who think turning criminals back out on the street immediately is great. There is no legal/illegal with them. Except of course as the saying goes a conservative is a liberal who got robbed at gunpoint. Seems it'll take a lot of armed robberies to change this crowd.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
These are the same people who think turning criminals back out on the street immediately is great. There is no legal/illegal with them. Except of course as the saying goes a conservative is a liberal who got robbed at gunpoint. Seems it'll take a lot of armed robberies to change this crowd.
Millions More In 24! The new Dem campaign slogan!


Well-Known Member
Probably about time for @rickyb to do some more China cheerleading. Entertain us, comrade.

life expectancy:
