The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?


Strength through joy

More than '14,000' cross the border in a day - the highest in HISTORY: Another migrant record is smashed under Biden with thousands MORE waiting to get in at Eagle Pass and '26,000 in custody'​

  • US border apprehensions at the southern border hit a new record
  • Customs and Border Protection suspended two freight rail crossings in Texas
  • Texas Governor Greg Abbott has signed a law that will allow state law enforcement to arrest people suspected of crossing the U.S.-Mexico border


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!

More than '14,000' cross the border in a day - the highest in HISTORY: Another migrant record is smashed under Biden with thousands MORE waiting to get in at Eagle Pass and '26,000 in custody'​

  • US border apprehensions at the southern border hit a new record
  • Customs and Border Protection suspended two freight rail crossings in Texas
  • Texas Governor Greg Abbott has signed a law that will allow state law enforcement to arrest people suspected of crossing the U.S.-Mexico border

This has to be fake news because the Biden administration has repeatedly told us the boarder is closed and if that wasn’t true those fact checkers that caught all 10 million of Trump’s lies would not have missed this one.


Strength through joy
Chicago imposed a 60-day shelter limit last month and is poised to start evicting people in early January. Massachusetts, Gov. Maura Healey, a Democrat, has capped the number of migrant families in emergency shelters at 7,500.
Denver had limited migrant families to 37 days but paused the policy this month in recognition of winter’s onset.
Single adults are limited to 14 days.

In New York, the first families were expected to reach their 60-day limits just days after Christmas, but the mayor’s office said those migrants will receive extensions through early January. Roughly 3,500 families have been issued notices so far.
Adult migrants without children are already subject to a shorter limit on shelter stays: 30 days.
And there are complaints that the food served by the city is not very good, which causes the migrants to illegally cook meals in their rooms or buy street foods.


Well-Known Member
Why are Democrats the only ones trying to keep everyone working to get an overhauled immigration and border policy bill enacted?
Why didn't Democrats get such a bill passed when they controlled Congress? What they're trying to do now is get funding to handle the processing in of the illegals, not stop the flow. We've never had illegal immigration close to what's happening now and it's directly due to Democrat policies that it is happening.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Why are Democrats the only ones trying to keep everyone working to get an overhauled immigration and border policy bill enacted?

The Democrats currently won't agree to border security improvements even if it means sending no more aid to Ukraine. Doubt they're working on any kind of substantive immigration and border policy that the Republicans could agree to.


Well-Known Member
Why are Democrats the only ones trying to keep everyone working to get an overhauled immigration and border policy bill enacted?
Why are Democrats the only ones who purposely create a crisis, and then pretend they’re going to be the ones that fix it?

Why are Democrats the only ones who purposely create a crisis, and then pretend they’re going to be the ones that fix it?

The GOP want to fund Ukraine and this is a way they've decided to stop it. As an added bonus this would give the biggest Christmas present to Putin he could possibly imagine.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
The GOP want to fund Ukraine and this is a way they've decided to stop it.

And they're only able to do it this way because the Democrats don't want border security. They don't want border security so much that they'd let Putin have Ukraine just to keep our own borders unsecure.


nowhere special
And they're only able to do it this way because the Democrats don't want border security. They don't want border security so much that they'd let Putin have Ukraine just to keep our own borders unsecure.
How much of the money poured into Ukraine went to graft? No accountability.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
How much of the money poured into Ukraine went to graft? No accountability.

The Big guy gets 10% and we have no idea where the other 90% went to. War is a big money maker. That’s just 1 way these politicians can be worth millions on a public servants salary.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
How much of the money poured into Ukraine went to graft? No accountability.

I don't buy any sort of bottomless pit argument or that the money and resources we've already given Ukraine have been wasted.

But I do question giving Ukraine a lot more if there's no sort of vision or understanding of what the end goal is now that Ukraine's summer offensive didn't gain much ground. They clearly won't be kicking Russia out without more advanced weapons from the west which we aren't willing to provide for good reason. So what are we doing here? Biden won't say.


nowhere special
I don't buy any sort of bottomless pit argument or that the money and resources we've already given Ukraine have been wasted.

But I do question giving Ukraine a lot more if there's no sort of vision or understanding of what the end goal is now that Ukraine's summer offensive didn't gain much ground. They clearly won't be kicking Russia out without more advanced weapons from the west which we aren't willing to provide for good reason. So what are we doing here? Biden won't say.
Military contractors are happy about it


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
I don't buy any sort of bottomless pit argument or that the money and resources we've already given Ukraine have been wasted.

If there wasn’t waste there would be accountability to the people. Anyone in the public seen a detailed spread sheet of how our money is spent? Funny how Biden wants to know every dollar we are spending so much so we have to report to the IRS any moneys we make over $600. You would think someone on top of everyone’s money to that point would want to let these same people know where the hundreds of billions of dollars he is spending is going… Or would he?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.