The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?


Well-Known Member
So a police officer investigating a phone call sees someone running it that is armed, is the same as someone not locking their pistol up at night? You have an interesting take on overreach.
No, you're saying that no one should have their guns taken until they've had their due process day in court. I'm merely pointing out that it happens all the time. Why you wouldn't want the same for someone who may not be in their right mind but is openly threatening others is beyond me.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Stop and frisk saves lives, lowers crime. Many illegal weapons off the street because of the practice. Bad guys leave the guns home for fear of getting caught. Libs explode over it.


Well-Known Member
No, you said I was defending the rights of illegals over our own citizens. So prove it.
I don’t have to prove it it’s evident and everything that is happening because people like you want the government to make them safe. The problem is the government will not make you safe. They will allow illegals in and they will be able to do whatever they want while you have to follow all the owner rules but people like you will say that’s the price we need to pay to be safe.

The reason people are sitting in prison without their due process, is because of people like you. Congratulations they don’t have a God-given right according to you, it’s whatever the government chooses. it works when the people you want are in charge. But once you give that kind of power and the next group comes along, you’re pretty much screwed.


Well-Known Member
So a police officer investigating a phone call sees someone running it that is armed, is the same as someone not locking their pistol up at night? You have an interesting take on overreach.
And you are twisting my words about locking up guns. I pointed out THAT AFTER THE MASS SHOOTING it was found that the parent, relative, friend, whoever left guns out that were accessible to someone who was mentally unstable, making threats, etc, and took their gun to commit that crime then the gun owner should have some accountability for that. Make it clear in no uncertain terms that gun owners have a responsibility to insure their guns are secure for the sake of public safety. No different than leaving a pistol out and a small child kills himself or another.


Well-Known Member
And you are twisting my words about locking up guns. I pointed out THAT AFTER THE MASS SHOOTING it was found that the parent, relative, friend, whoever left guns out that were accessible to someone who was mentally unstable, making threats, etc, and took their gun to commit that crime then the gun owner should have some accountability for that. Make it clear in no uncertain terms that gun owners have a responsibility to insure their guns are secure for the sake of public safety. No different than leaving a pistol out and a small child kills himself or another.
Who enforces that and how? Maybe we should have random checks in peoples homes that have weapons after all why do we need that constitutional protected either? because that’s a question they ask you now a lot of times, do you have weapons in your home? I would love for people to be responsible with everything, but people are simply not.

Again, like I said, if there’s already a law For someone who leaves a weapon out then a tragedy happens. then I guess they’ll be charged with it but how do you enforce before any crime is committed? Do we force people to buy a safe before they can purchase gun?


Well-Known Member
I don’t have to prove it it’s evident and everything that is happening because people like you want the government to make them safe. The problem is the government will not make you safe. They will allow illegals in and they will be able to do whatever they want while you have to follow all the owner rules but people like you will say that’s the price we need to pay to be safe.

The reason people are sitting in prison without their due process, is because of people like you. Congratulations they don’t have a God-given right according to you, it’s whatever the government chooses. it works when the people you want are in charge. But once you give that kind of power and the next group comes along, you’re pretty much screwed.
The government was doing a very fine job keeping the border secure under the last administration. There are numerous ways to secure a gun while still having quick access to it by the owner. And you can't prove that I was supporting the rights of illegals over our own citizens. I've repeatedly posted on the need to shut the border down, build a wall, remove illegals, especially those who commit crimes. Honestly I don't know what more I can say on it but I have to defend myself when I'm mischaracterized by some who don't like my not going whole hog "kill them all and let God sort them out."


Well-Known Member
The government was doing a very fine job keeping the border secure under the last administration. There are numerous ways to secure a gun while still having quick access to it by the owner. And you can't prove that I was supporting the rights of illegals over our own citizens. I've repeatedly posted on the need to shut the border down, build a wall, remove illegals, especially those who commit crimes. Honestly I don't know what more I can say on it but I have to defend myself when I'm mischaracterized by some who don't like my not going whole hog "kill them all and let God sort them out."
Bravo, accusing me of Mischaracterizing you and then saying, I said, kill them all and let God sort them out lol. No reason to continue talking to you about this.

Also, just because you trust one administration does not mean you change laws or get rid of our constitutional rights because those people will not always be in charge again I don’t know why you haven’t figured this out at your age.


Well-Known Member
Who enforces that and how? Maybe we should have random checks in peoples homes that have weapons after all why do we need that constitutional protected either? because that’s a question they ask you now a lot of times, do you have weapons in your home? I would love for people to be responsible with everything, but people are simply not.

Again, like I said, if there’s already a law For someone who leaves a weapon out then a tragedy happens. then I guess they’ll be charged with it but how do you enforce before any crime is committed? Do we force people to buy a safe before they can purchase gun?
This really isn't that hard. Educate new gun owners that they will be held responsible if someone else uses their gun to commit a felony. I never said go snooping into people's homes to see if they're complying. You're taking something and expanding it into something else altogether that was never said or even implied.


Well-Known Member
This really isn't that hard. Educate new gun owners that they will be held responsible if someone else uses their gun to commit a felony. I never said go snooping into people's homes to see if they're complying. You're taking something and expanding it into something else altogether that was never said or even implied.
Again, how do you enforce that? Your unintended consequences are dizzying


Well-Known Member
Bravo, accusing me of Mischaracterizing you and then saying, I said, kill them all and let God sort them out lol. No reason to continue talking to you about this.

Also, just because you trust one administration does not mean you change laws or get rid of our constitutional rights because those people will not always be in charge again I don’t know why you haven’t figured this out at your age.
We hold our government accountable by electing people who will uphold the Constitution. We're in the mess we're in now because people elected people who skirt, violate, ignore the Constitution. The people who voted for them didn't think upholding the Constitution really mattered. Now they're finding out different. But upholding the Constitution also means citizens have responsibilities. We aren't free to do whatever we like and tell others to go :censored2: themselves if they don't like it.


Well-Known Member
Again, how do you enforce that? Your unintended consequences are dizzying
So a guy commits mass murder with his dad's AR-15. His dad is arrested for not having the gun secured. That doesn't mean the dad does life. But he may serve some prison time based on the investigation. If it was found that the son managed to break open a gun safe then the dad isn't responsible. If it's found the dad kept his gun in the closet then yes he should pay a price for that. As you said, get his due process day in court.


Well-Known Member
So a guy commits mass murder with his dad's AR-15. His dad is arrested for not having the gun secured. That doesn't mean the dad does life. But he may serve some prison time based on the investigation. If it was found that the son managed to break open a gun safe then the dad isn't responsible. If it's found the dad kept his gun in the closet then yes he should pay a price for that. As you said, get his due process day in court.
You just defeated your own argument. Because I agree, he probably should go to jail if he was tried and found liable in someway. Quite a bit different than taking his weapons before any crime or any due process.


nowhere special
You just defeated your own argument. Because I agree, he probably should go to jail if he was tried and found liable in someway. Quite a bit different than taking his weapons before any crime or any due process.
Not to mention that when the government seizes your guns you have to fight to get them back.


Well-Known Member
Not to mention that when the government seizes your guns you have to fight to get them back.
That’s exactly what happens if it becomes a red tape nightmare or you have to prove your innocent while they have your guns or other property and you spend thousands of dollars lose your home lose your job to prove your innocence. it’s incredible that some Americans would want that sort of system but hey, thank God the government wants to keep us safe. 🙄


Well-Known Member
You just defeated your own argument. Because I agree, he probably should go to jail if he was tried and found liable in someway. Quite a bit different than taking his weapons before any crime or any due process.
I really don't see the issue. If a person is making threats against others, putting it out there, then he has essentially put himself into a situation where authorities need to intervene. The idea that they should wait until he actually does something heinous because his personal rights are paramount means people will continue to die unnecessarily. It is the government's responsibility to keep us safe up to a point. That point imo is when you are being attacked you don't have the luxury of waiting for the police to show up. Other than that the government should be responsibly monitoring social media, taking seriously reports from citizens that a person is making threats, and dealing with that person in a timely, fair manner. Otherwise if that person finally acts out on his anger, delusions, whatever then the public are sitting ducks. IMO people forfeit certain rights once they cross a line. Think those who serve time in prison are good to go once they've served their sentence? They lose their right to vote and own guns. There are limits to what should be tolerated. Rational people know this and don't make public threats. Those with mental issues are very likely to be spouting off about what they perceive to be wrong in the world. Those are the people who if they start making threats need to have a mental health professional evaluate them and if they have issues that are likely to lead to violence they need to be confined until such time they are no longer a threat. I'm not talking about some guy who got mad once and threatened someone who was hurting him somehow. I'm talking about those who clearly need help because they are repeatedly threatening to harm others. It's why we pay law enforcement and social services salaries. If you're anti government in every way and think they have no right to intrude in our lives in any way that's your business. But if we live by that standard then many people who could've been stopped before they murdered a bunch of people won't be. And innocent people will continue to die who could've been saved. Now give me the laugh emoji. I've said enough.


Well-Known Member
I really don't see the issue. If a person is making threats against others, putting it out there, then he has essentially put himself into a situation where authorities need to intervene. The idea that they should wait until he actually does something heinous because his personal rights are paramount means people will continue to die unnecessarily. It is the government's responsibility to keep us safe up to a point. That point imo is when you are being attacked you don't have the luxury of waiting for the police to show up. Other than that the government should be responsibly monitoring social media, taking seriously reports from citizens that a person is making threats, and dealing with that person in a timely, fair manner. Otherwise if that person finally acts out on his anger, delusions, whatever then the public are sitting ducks. IMO people forfeit certain rights once they cross a line. Think those who serve time in prison are good to go once they've served their sentence? They lose their right to vote and own guns. There are limits to what should be tolerated. Rational people know this and don't make public threats. Those with mental issues are very likely to be spouting off about what they perceive to be wrong in the world. Those are the people who if they start making threats need to have a mental health professional evaluate them and if they have issues that are likely to lead to violence they need to be confined until such time they are no longer a threat. I'm not talking about some guy who got mad once and threatened someone who was hurting him somehow. I'm talking about those who clearly need help because they are repeatedly threatening to harm others. It's why we pay law enforcement and social services salaries. If you're anti government in every way and think they have no right to intrude in our lives in any way that's your business. But if we live by that standard then many people who could've been stopped before they murdered a bunch of people won't be. And innocent people will continue to die who could've been saved. Now give me the laugh emoji. I've said enough.
The same “mental health professionals”, who now say there’s 31 genders? And want to strip parents away from their children who will not allow their children to undergo treatments to change their gender? Hmmm ok.


Well-Known Member
The same “mental health professionals”, who now say there’s 31 genders? Hmmm ok.
Again you're pushing straw man arguments to bolster your position. That has nothing to do with some teenager with mental health issues putting it out on Facebook or whatever that he's sick of his classmates and will kill them the first chance he gets. Or a 35 yr old who's picked on at work and he puts it out there that this is his last day on Earth and tomorrow he's going to make sure it's his co-workers last day also. Not everyone with homicidal tendencies gives advance notice. Thinking of the guy in Las Vegas who shot all those people at that concert. But enough do that authorities need to closely monitor them and intervene if necessary.