The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?


Well-Known Member
Didn’t really say you were immature I said your thoughts were immature about the subject. But perhaps I made it seem that way.
Seems like you have a blind trust for people and authority, even though we’ve lived through four years of watching that trust, dissolve. Just the way I see it.
I have repeatedly pointed out the faults of this administration. But it all goes out the window if I say anything some disagree with. Sorry, I'm not backing down on issues concerning public safety even if it means toes get stepped on. We have district attorneys turning criminals back out on the street as soon as they're arrested. Refusing to arrest if shoplifting is kept under a certain amount, forcing retailers out. Allowing criminals and terrorists into the country with no background checks. And not effectively monitoring the rants and diatribes and manifestos of disturbed individuals who go on to violently carry out their delusions. We absolutely should demand as citizens that the government does its level best to protect us as much as humanly possible. And is likely not going to happen until a new administration comes in that believes in the rule of law.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Strength through joy
The Oak Brook Police Department reports that 47 recently arrived illegal aliens have been arrested in connection with retail thefts and home and car burglaries just since October and more than 175 since last year, according to Newsbreak.
Oak Brook which is only about 25 minutes west of downtown Chicago and only minutes south of O’Hare International Airport where hundreds of illegals have been sheltering for months.


Strength through joy
Federal officials say that the U.S. Border Patrol arrested the Honduran national near Roma, Texas, in June 2021, issuing him a notice to appear before a Department of Justice (DOJ) immigration judge.
According to officials, he was arrested again on July 20, 2023, when he was charged with felony rape by force, threat, or intimidation, abduction by force, and assault on a family member.
That same day, ERO Washington, D.C. issued an immigration detainer on the Honduran national with the Fairfax County Adult Detention Center (FFXADC) in Fairfax, Virginia.
Then, according to officials, on Aug. 17, 2023, ERO Washington, D.C. determined that FFXADC released the illegal immigrant without notifying ERO.
Deportation officers from ERO Washington, D.C. were able to apprehend and arrest the the Honduran national on Oct. 12, 2023, and served him with a notice to appear before a DOJ immigration judge.
Federal officials say he will remain in the custody of ERO Washington, D.C. pending the outcome of his removal proceedings.


Strength through joy

Shootings are up 185% in Vermont from 2021 to 2022.

In 2022 it was reported that, “by mid-summer, about half of the city’s gunfire incidents were connected to a small group of new American young men.” The inaccurate euphemism “new Americans“ was being used to refer to Somali and other often Muslim African immigrants.


Legio patria nostra
Antifa doesn't ride the subway. They have their choice of Lexus, Mercedes or BMW SUVs paid for by the American taxpayers.
I think you mean the illegal mexicans that drive around in Fox-150's paid for by their under the table earnings, Taxpayer-funded programs like SSI, SNAP, TANF, Emergency Medicaid (all that Bumbling Biden gave them), and....oh!!! Fentanyl sales, Cocaine and other drug sales, robberies, murder for hire, etc....