The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?

"According to new data published last month, the Biden Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has removed a higher percentage of arrested border crossers in its first two years than the Trump DHS did over its last two years. Moreover, migrants were more likely to be released after a border arrest under President Trump than under President Biden."

via your friends at CATO


Well-Known Member
"According to new data published last month, the Biden Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has removed a higher percentage of arrested border crossers in its first two years than the Trump DHS did over its last two years. Moreover, migrants were more likely to be released after a border arrest under President Trump than under President Biden."

via your friends at CATO
That's absolutely, 100% false.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
"According to new data published last month, the Biden Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has removed a higher percentage of arrested border crossers in its first two years than the Trump DHS did over its last two years. Moreover, migrants were more likely to be released after a border arrest under President Trump than under President Biden."

via your friends at CATO

Then why do we have 8 million (low estimate) new illegals since Biden has been in office? Why has there been more boarder crossers under Biden than under Trump? Why are the sanctuary cities saying they are over run? Why was the Democrats saying the republicans should pass the boarder bill because we can’t wait 9 more months? Again are you this ignorant or are you buying into what your cult is telling you and then parroting it?


Well-Known Member
"According to new data published last month, the Biden Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has removed a higher percentage of arrested border crossers in its first two years than the Trump DHS did over its last two years. Moreover, migrants were more likely to be released after a border arrest under President Trump than under President Biden."

via your friends at CATO
I think someone is playing with statistics. Trump had a remain in Mexico policy. A lot less people got in but some did. A major category of illegal crossers is "gotaways." While the Biden administration spends its time processing new arrivals there is a percentage who absolutely don't want to be detained. Most likely with backpacks full of drugs. So they sneak in and the Border Patrol is too busy with processing those who surrendered to catch them.

And the other aspect was during the Trump administration the so called sanctuary cities and states refused to cooperate with ICE. Literally arrested illegal immigrant criminals were prevented from being turned over to ICE. Same with the guy in Georgia who murdered that girl. He was arrested several times in NYC who immediately put him back on the street before ICE could pick him up. He went down to Athens, GA, also a sanctuary city, to live with his brother. They were both arrested for shoplifting but were immediately put back on the street. It was a failure of liberal policies that allowed him into the country and kept him in the country. So next time you try to put something on Trump I hope you realize that enough people are now aware of the devastating effects of liberal Democratic policies and are looking for a change.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
"According to new data published last month, the Biden Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has removed a higher percentage of arrested border crossers in its first two years than the Trump DHS did over its last two years. Moreover, migrants were more likely to be released after a border arrest under President Trump than under President Biden."

via your friends at CATO
Biden is breaking records with his allowing of flooding. Americans are sick of his open border policy. People are getting killed.

ALM America Lives Matter!
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Strength through joy
  • New York's Democrat mayor has broken with his own previous support of sanctuary cities by claiming criminal migrants SHOULD be handed to ICE
  • The move would kneecap the city's sanctuary status after he promised voters it would 'remain under an Adams administration'
  • The flip-flop comes amid fury over migrant gang being released on bail within hours of vicious attack on NYPD cops.
Makes one wonder if he is serious ?


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!

ICE Arrests Guatemalan Illegal Convicted of Sexually Assaulting Child Under the Age of 14 – Released by Local Massachusetts Court Despite ICE Detainer!​

We have all these military aged illegal men coming here. What do you think many will be doing to the girls and women here? Especially when word gets out that they are free for the taken with no punishment.



Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Well-Known Member

ICE Arrests Guatemalan Illegal Convicted of Sexually Assaulting Child Under the Age of 14 – Released by Local Massachusetts Court Despite ICE Detainer!​

We have all these military aged illegal men coming here. What do you think many will be doing to the girls and women here? Especially when word gets out that they are free for the taken with no punishment.

Exactly what happened to Germany and Sweden after Europe allowed a million+ Syrians and North Africans in. Mostly young men. Rape went off the charts.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
  • New York's Democrat mayor has broken with his own previous support of sanctuary cities by claiming criminal migrants SHOULD be handed to ICE
  • The move would kneecap the city's sanctuary status after he promised voters it would 'remain under an Adams administration'
  • The flip-flop comes amid fury over migrant gang being released on bail within hours of vicious attack on NYPD cops.
Makes one wonder if he is serious ?
They were for it before they were against it!

Liberalism is pure emotion. It was easy to be for open borders when the problem was not in your backyard. It made these libs feel like they were helping the world, feel good about themselves, not evil like the racist Americans that believed in secure borders, believed in controlled-legal immigration and assimilation. The warnings they made about unchecked flooding were pure racist nonsense! What's a few poor folk coming here seeking freedom and a job to work hard at? KUM BY YAH!

Biden signaled the free for all sign and now were are dealing with his gigantic mess! Crime is way up, people are getting killed, services are stained to the max! It's a disaster!

And he conveniently blames Trump for blocking his BS Border deal.
What a freaking phony!

“President Biden falsely claimed yesterday he needs Congress to pass a new law to allow him to close the southern border, but he knows that is untrue. As I explained to him in a letter late last year, and have specifically reiterated to him on multiple occasions since, he can and must take executive action immediately to reverse the catastrophe he has created.”

Mike Johnson