The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?


Well-Known Member
So now that Biden is talking about taking unilateral action, it’s an “election year gimmick.” Got it!
For three years he has done nothing with the exception of fighting border states to prevent them from doing something. Now he claims he needs Congress to give him the power to do something. This is so he can blame Republicans for his failure. He's had everything he's needed all along. If he finally does shut the border down unilaterally it will be because it's a major election issue that's hurting him. Which begs the question: if he can do it now, why didn't he do it before?


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
For three years he has done nothing with the exception of fighting border states to prevent them from doing something. Now he claims he needs Congress to give him the power to do something. This is so he can blame Republicans for his failure. He's had everything he's needed all along. If he finally does shut the border down unilaterally it will be because it's a major election issue that's hurting him. Which begs the question: if he can do it now, why didn't he do it before?
Deport 5-6 million to start Joe. Show us how serious you really are.
They were for it before they were against it!

Liberalism is pure emotion. It was easy to be for open borders when the problem was not in your backyard. It made these libs feel like they were helping the world, feel good about themselves, not evil like the racist Americans that believed in secure borders, believed in controlled-legal immigration and assimilation. The warnings they made about unchecked flooding were pure racist nonsense! What's a few poor folk coming here seeking freedom and a job to work hard at? KUM BY YAH!

Biden signaled the free for all sign and now were are dealing with his gigantic mess! Crime is way up, people are getting killed, services are stained to the max! It's a disaster!

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For three years he has done nothing with the exception of fighting border states to prevent them from doing something. Now he claims he needs Congress to give him the power to do something. This is so he can blame Republicans for his failure. He's had everything he's needed all along. If he finally does shut the border down unilaterally it will be because it's a major election issue that's hurting him. Which begs the question: if he can do it now, why didn't he do it before?
And if it's such a crisis why are Repubs no longer interested?


Well-Known Member

And if it's such a crisis why are Repubs no longer interested?
The Republicans are no longer interested? Seriously? And as a Yahoo email subscriber I get Yahoo's blurbs every day. They're extremely liberal.
"If there's one guy you'd think would ask himself "What would Jesus do?" it would be Mike Johnson. So far, however, it appears he's more likely to ask himself "What would Trump do?"
speaking of Mikey, He says he supports IV fertilization, a technique that, as generally practiced in the United States, involves the creation, long-term cold storage, and disposal of surplus embryos. How can he defend embryos inside the womb while treating embryos outside the womb as expendable?


Well-Known Member
Johnson is not interested in doing anything before the election. Try to keep up.
If Biden and the Senate Democrats would present a comprehensive plan to completely shut down the border and remove illegals already here from the country, with no machinations intended to keep the flood coming in, the Republicans would gladly vote for it. They aren't going to give the Democrats what the Dems want, a constant massive flow of unvetted illegals into the country. All the spin in the world isn't going to change what most serious minded people know going into November: the Biden administration is responsible for the worst invasion on American soil in history, and the worst inflation in 40+ years, and total screw ups of about everything else they touch. Sucks to be a Democrat right now.


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