The Canada Report.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

I also watched videos of people with confederate flags being told to leave. The people telling them to leave were saying, This isn’t what we’re about. We don’t want any of that here.


I'm a star


Strength through joy

  • About 20 eco-terrorist surrounded gas pipeline workers, overturned heavy equipment and smashed up a mobile trailers in an attack on the Coast Gaslink pipeline
  • The attackers, who were masked and wore camouflage, came from all directions in a 'coordinate' and 'violent' assault
  • First Nations and environmentalists have been against the 420-mile pipeline that will carry liquified natural gas to the west coast of British Columbia
  • The Royal Canadian Mounted Police were called to the scene, but their way was blocked by fires and downed trees in the roadway
  • One officer was injured after attackers threw torches and smoke bombs at police


IE boogeyman

  • About 20 eco-terrorist surrounded gas pipeline workers, overturned heavy equipment and smashed up a mobile trailers in an attack on the Coast Gaslink pipeline
  • The attackers, who were masked and wore camouflage, came from all directions in a 'coordinate' and 'violent' assault
  • First Nations and environmentalists have been against the 420-mile pipeline that will carry liquified natural gas to the west coast of British Columbia
  • The Royal Canadian Mounted Police were called to the scene, but their way was blocked by fires and downed trees in the roadway
  • One officer was injured after attackers threw torches and smoke bombs at police
mostly peaceful terrorism


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
When rioters burned down cities in America, the talking heads in the press defended them. Now they’re assailing the truckers of Canada for impeding the flow of traffic and commerce. If you agree with this, please move to Canada.
American vaccine mandate for businesses got stopped by the United States Supreme Court. There is no court in Canada that can stop the prime minister. If you think this mandate should not have taken a Supreme Court desision, please stay in America.
What a difference a border makes.