The Canada Report.


Please remove my account. This forum sucks.
When rioters burned down cities in America, the talking heads in the press defended them. Now they’re assailing the truckers of Canada for impeding the flow of traffic and commerce. If you agree with this, please move to Canada.
American vaccine mandate for businesses got stopped by the United States Supreme Court. There is no court in Canada that can stop the prime minister. If you think this mandate should not have taken a Supreme Court desision, please stay in America.
What a difference a border makes.
Forget that they also managed to malign all conservatives for the capital "insurrection" while looters destroyed countless businesses.
The left are violent people.
EU or UK?
Or BS?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
i want to move to EU and i will

its inevitable mister anderson
EU or UK?

Yeah. I posted earlier that no country in the UK/EU would actually let @rickyb in and he should be making alternative plans. But I felt bad and deleted it.

I'd be impressed if he went to live under the rule of his heroes, comrade daddies Putin or Xi, who probably would let him in to live in a little hut and talk :censored2: about democracies on internet forums.


Please remove my account. This forum sucks.
Yeah. I posted earlier that no country in the UK/EU would actually let @rickyb in and he should be making alternative plans. But I felt bad and deleted it.

I'd be impressed if he went to live under the rule of his heroes, comrade daddies Putin or Xi, who probably would let him in to live in a little hut and talk :censored2: about democracies on internet forums.
What about Venezuela? Hell. He could even drive his prius to Venezuela.


Retired 23 years
When rioters burned down cities in America, the talking heads in the press defended them. Now they’re assailing the truckers of Canada for impeding the flow of traffic and commerce. If you agree with this, please move to Canada.
American vaccine mandate for businesses got stopped by the United States Supreme Court. There is no court in Canada that can stop the prime minister. If you think this mandate should not have taken a Supreme Court desision, please stay in America.
What a difference a border makes.
Build a wall


I'm a star

I used to think Russell Brand was one of the wacky celebrities until watching his videos. He’s actually pretty intelligent and has many great points.

It's amazing how populists on the left and right agree on quite a bit, but the lefties don't understand that the way they think things should be is what leads to tyranny. The right has it's authoritarian leanings as well, but theirs are on the side of private ownership, whereas the left prefers government power. When the government and private enterprise work together to consolidate power, the dichotomy switches from being between private and public power to the people vs totalitarianism. This is why left and right are aligning, because the totalitarianists are obviously aligning against us. We don't get distracted by the things we disagree on, we become laser focused on the clear and present danger.

Once this threat is neutralized, Brand will go back to spouting off about his communist ideals.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. I posted earlier that no country in the UK/EU would actually let @rickyb in and he should be making alternative plans. But I felt bad and deleted it.

I'd be impressed if he went to live under the rule of his heroes, comrade daddies Putin or Xi, who probably would let him in to live in a little hut and talk :censored2: about democracies on internet forums.
Wats wrong w france?


Well-Known Member
Macron, for starters. Urine soaked subways. They haven't had the ability to defend themselves from foreign invaders since Napoleon. State sanctioned paedophilia. That's just off the top of my head.
Sounds like alot in common w usa except they got a welfare state and their citizens arent passive consumers of info


Well-Known Member
Canada’s sounding like a :censored2:hole country these days. Just not for the same reasons Somalia does. There’s been no freedom of speech for a while now and you can kiss your bank accounts goodbye if you give money to or are involved in a protest the prime minister doesn’t like.
yea i dont recall america doing any banking schenagans since ive been listening to politics

we have freedom of speech though not sure where u got that...but then again u vote for biden and trump and all these corrupt fools so thats par for the course with you


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
yea i dont recall america doing any banking schenagans since ive been listening to politics

we have freedom of speech though not sure where u got that...but then again u vote for biden and trump and all these corrupt fools so thats par for the course with you
Free speech….As long as Tru-dope likes what your saying. Who’s being naïve now.