The Canada Report.


Well-Known Member
Unless they rebelled before their guns were taken way. Okey dokey?
How many Jews were there in comparison to the German population? The 6 million killed were drawn from all over Europe. And when did that killing start? AFTER the guns were taken. They were being mistreated but who could've guessed where that would lead to? I mean it's not like the NAZI's were building a concentration camp in central Oregon and telegraphing that they were about to slaughter 60 million+ conservatives who were going to lay down their weapons and meekly.go to the slaughter. Okey dokey?


I'm a star
How many Jews were there in comparison to the German population? The 6 million killed were drawn from all over Europe. And when did that killing start? AFTER the guns were taken. They were being mistreated but who could've guessed where that would lead to? I mean it's not like the NAZI's were building a concentration camp in central Oregon and telegraphing that they were about to slaughter 60 million+ conservatives who were going to lay down their weapons and meekly.go to the slaughter. Okey dokey?

Eastern Oregon, near the Idaho border. I'm glad you are finally admitting that what happened in Germany can easily happen here. I accept your apology.


I'm a star
Keep that fantasy alive. It'll give you comfort until the next conspiracy is conjured up.

You know what you consider a "conspiracy" is what governments and corporate board members consider a PR campaign. Lol.



Well-Known Member
No conspiracy here. DHS considers people who don't trust the government (why would anyone ever not trust the government?) to be a terrorist threat. I wonder where they will put the 85 million+ of people who don't trust the government?

This is the exact thing the Soviets, the Nazi's and all Fascist governments did/do. Nothing to see here.
Yah, they're going to destroy the economy taking 85 million people out of the workforce, out of consuming goods and services, and hold them indefinitely in camps because they don't like their politics. No, wait, they're going to murder them all and repopulate the country with third world people(as if people will be eager to move anywhere that would slaughter 85 million people). Yeah, that's it, that's the ticket. It's just a matter of time now. No need to confiscate guns because the 85 million are eager to comply with this. "It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine!"


I'm a star
Yah, they're going to destroy the economy taking 85 million people out of the workforce, out of consuming goods and services, and hold them indefinitely in camps because they don't like their politics. No, wait, they're going to murder them all and repopulate the country with third world people(as if people will be eager to move anywhere that would slaughter 85 million people). Yeah, that's it, that's the ticket. It's just a matter of time now. No need to confiscate guns because the 85 million are eager to comply with this. "It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine!"

The Nazi's got away with it because people like you refused to face reality, and misrepresented the facts to themselves so they could ridicule the people pointing out the obvious, so they could ignore them, so they could justify their denial, so they could not feel guilty about doing nothing while "untouchables" were forced to do labor, be experimented on, and exterminated. I'm guessing this is a big part of the reason you stay out of the country. You know what's happening, you just don't want to feel the need to do anything about it, so you pretend you don't know what's happening.



Well-Known Member
The Nazi's got away with it because people like you refused to face reality, and misrepresented the facts to themselves so they could ridicule the people pointing out the obvious, so they could ignore them, so they could justify their denial, so they could not feel guilty about doing nothing while "untouchables" were forced to do labor, be experimented on, and exterminated. I'm guessing this is a big part of the reason you stay out of the country. You know what's happening, you just don't want to feel the need to do anything about it, so you pretend you don't know what's happening.

View attachment 372286
I'm in the country. And this isn't reality. It's not happening anywhere. It's just the deep seated need by some to demonize political opponents to justify your hatred. People like you on both sides don't want to discuss real world issues. You just want to hate.


I'm a star
I'm in the country. And this isn't reality. It's not happening anywhere. It's just the deep seated need by some to demonize political opponents to justify your hatred. People like you on both sides don't want to discuss real world issues. You just want to hate.

Who do I hate? You're projecting again. You keep making up all this nonsense from stuff I never said. You're ridiculous sometimes. Quarantine camps are real, I proved it, and I proved that some states have laws on the books that allow them to quarantine a person without due process based on an unelected bureaucrat's say so. Other states are trying to put those laws on the books. You refuse to see the problem with this and accuse me of hating people just because I point out very real issues. Based on the rhetoric we are seeing from official government documents, and based on nearly identical tactics employed by totalitarianist regimes in the past, it is very worthwhile pointing out what is happening. That's literally the only way we will be able to put an end to it. Denying reality by misrepresenting things said by people you smear as conspiracy theorists is the sort of thing that will enable the totalitarianists to continue their push towards exterminating the people they see as undesirable. The Germans didn't think it could happen there, either.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Who do I hate? You're projecting again. You keep making up all this nonsense from stuff I never said. You're ridiculous sometimes. Quarantine camps are real, I proved it, and I proved that some states have laws on the books that allow them to quarantine a person without due process based on an unelected bureaucrat's say so. Other states are trying to put those laws on the books. You refuse to see the problem with this and accuse me of hating people just because I point out very real issues. Based on the rhetoric we are seeing from official government documents, and based on nearly identical tactics employed by totalitarianist regimes in the past, it is very worthwhile pointing out what is happening. That's literally the only way we will be able to put an end to it. Denying reality by misrepresenting things said by people you smear as conspiracy theorists is the sort of thing that will enable the totalitarianists to continue their push towards exterminating the people they see as undesirable. The Germans didn't think it could happen there, either.
Not many did. The Germans were among the most culturally advanced people in the world. And yet….


Well-Known Member
Who do I hate? You're projecting again. You keep making up all this nonsense from stuff I never said. You're ridiculous sometimes. Quarantine camps are real, I proved it, and I proved that some states have laws on the books that allow them to quarantine a person without due process based on an unelected bureaucrat's say so. Other states are trying to put those laws on the books. You refuse to see the problem with this and accuse me of hating people just because I point out very real issues. Based on the rhetoric we are seeing from official government documents, and based on nearly identical tactics employed by totalitarianist regimes in the past, it is very worthwhile pointing out what is happening. That's literally the only way we will be able to put an end to it. Denying reality by misrepresenting things said by people you smear as conspiracy theorists is the sort of thing that will enable the totalitarianists to continue their push towards exterminating the people they see as undesirable. The Germans didn't think it could happen there, either.
You've proved what exactly? It's a pretty big leap from "quarantine camps", which aren't happening, to "exterminating the people they see as undesirable." Off the charts conspiracy theory. And it's based on hate for the opposition and a desire to spread that hate. Oh, maybe you're right, you're only warning people about their imminent demise at the hands of "totalitarianists" because you admire the totalitarianists, not despise them.

El Correcto

god is dead
You've proved what exactly? It's a pretty big leap from "quarantine camps", which aren't happening, to "exterminating the people they see as undesirable." Off the charts conspiracy theory. And it's based on hate for the opposition and a desire to spread that hate. Oh, maybe you're right, you're only warning people about their imminent demise at the hands of "totalitarianists" because you admire the totalitarianists, not despise them.
I don’t think the left would genocide people they disagree with.
They will just slowly take every you hold dear and your ability to provide for yourself from you. Brand you as unhirable, make using your freedoms cost too much, take away parenting rights, use government agencies to bury your businesses in red tape, endless audits of all your investments, use societal pressure to turn you into a leper. They won’t actually kill you, just destroy your life and make swallowing a gun look tempting.


Well-Known Member
I don’t think the left would genocide people they disagree with.
They will just slowly take every you hold dear and your ability to provide for yourself from you. Brand you as unhirable, make using your freedoms cost too much, take away parenting rights, use government agencies to bury your businesses in red tape, endless audits of all your investments, use societal pressure to turn you into a leper. They won’t actually kill you, just destroy your life and make swallowing a gun look tempting.
Beyond cancel culture targeting the rich and famous who don't fall in line where's this happening? They slander an average Joe like Rittenhouse they get slammed in court. Not being naive, a lot of what you're saying is happening to some. But a lot is exaggerated about the opposite side, and vice versa, by opportunists seeking votes. And we're being polarized.


I'm a star
You've proved what exactly? It's a pretty big leap from "quarantine camps", which aren't happening, to "exterminating the people they see as undesirable." Off the charts conspiracy theory. And it's based on hate for the opposition and a desire to spread that hate. Oh, maybe you're right, you're only warning people about their imminent demise at the hands of "totalitarianists" because you admire the totalitarianists, not despise them.

Imminent? You made that part up. Hate? You made that part up. You don't have to hate someone to tell the truth about what they are doing. You don't even understand who I think the "opposition" is. You have zero idea what you are talking about. But I'm the problem. It's fine if you want to nap your way through the rest of your life, but don't make up nonsense and project it onto people who are telling you the truth you don't want to hear.


Well-Known Member
Imminent? You made that part up. Hate? You made that part up. You don't have to hate someone to tell the truth about what they are doing. You don't even understand who I think the "opposition" is. You have zero idea what you are talking about. But I'm the problem. It's fine if you want to nap your way through the rest of your life, but don't make up nonsense and project it onto people who are telling you the truth you don't want to hear.
Oh, mea culpa, when you spoke of building concentration camps and ovens and extermination I thought you were speaking of the near future. If it's generations away well everyone knows that. How silly of me. Carry on.