Netsua 3:16

Nobody wants to talk about genetic between races....
I mean, there’s no specific “racism” gene. You know what I mean? That stuff is environmental. It’s about parents more than anything, let’s be real.
You put a human in a environment full of gangs and violence? Broken homes? Poverty? What tf do you think is going to happen?
You put a human in a blue collar, hard working, peaceful, loving family unit, what do you think is going to happen?
You put a human being in an environment where he never has to work for money, gets out of trouble with money, skates through life because of affluence: what do you think is going to happen?


Well-Known Member
The reason I don’t go on a crusade against white criminals is because society agrees they are pieces of *. If society agreed these black criminals are pieces of * I wouldn’t be having to voice my opinion on the matter.
White criminals have bad days and mental issues. White society demonizes anyone else who isn't white. Ttku..