Netsua 3:16

You seriously don't think the things he did count as violent crime just because he didn't pull the trigger?
But who got hurt?
There’s several witnessed accounts of Chauvin using excessive force. 6 complaints on the man total. And a murder charge
Yet. Here you are. Still caring about the dead drug addict in the incident.

Netsua 3:16

yeah love villainous cops. Congrats.
I don’t even think that.
From what I’ve gathered; sailfish is what we call a very deeply closeted racist.
You see, it’s not that he SUPPORTS Chauvin, it’s that he absolutely LOATHES the murals for Floyd. It bothers him SO MUCH that the American people put a bad cop in jail in the name of a black druggie.
Why? Who cares? It’s got a freakin bow on it, man. The celebration is in the fact; that cases like this, involving black men, many of whom WERE NOT CRIMINALS AT ALL; had always seen cops get off. IN FACT. Most of the time, throughout American history, it’s the cops who get protected by the courts; which leads to very natural unrest among the black community (ISNT THAT SHOCKING???)
This time, it didn’t work out that way. That’s the victory.
You gotta get over it. It’s over.

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
I don’t even think that.
From what I’ve gathered; sailfish is what we call a very deeply closeted racist.
You see, it’s not that he SUPPORTS Chauvin, it’s that he absolutely LOATHES the murals for Floyd. It bothers him SO MUCH that the American people put a bad cop in jail in the name of a black druggie.
Why? Who cares? It’s got a freakin bow on it, man. The celebration is in the fact; that cases like this, involving black men, many of whom WERE NOT CRIMINALS AT ALL; had always seen cops get off. IN FACT. Most of the time, throughout American history, it’s the cops who get protected by the courts; which leads to very natural unrest among the black community (ISNT THAT SHOCKING???
This time, it didn’t work out that way. That’s the victory.
You gotta get over it. It’s over.

We got a winner here


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
I don’t even think that.
From what I’ve gathered; sailfish is what we call a very deeply closeted racist.
You see, it’s not that he SUPPORTS Chauvin, it’s that he absolutely LOATHES the murals for Floyd. It bothers him SO MUCH that the American people put a bad cop in jail in the name of a black druggie.
Why? Who cares? It’s got a freakin bow on it, man. The celebration is in the fact; that cases like this, involving black men, many of whom WERE NOT CRIMINALS AT ALL; had always seen cops get off. IN FACT. Most of the time, throughout American history, it’s the cops who get protected by the courts; which leads to very natural unrest among the black community (ISNT THAT SHOCKING???
This time, it didn’t work out that way. That’s the victory.
You gotta get over it. It’s over.
Why would I care about some ugly ass murals? I don't have to look at them. Besides, you're the only one bringing race into it. Again.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I mean, there’s no specific “racism” gene. You know what I mean? That stuff is environmental. It’s about parents more than anything, let’s be real.
You put a human in a environment full of gangs and violence? Broken homes? Poverty? What tf do you think is going to happen?
You put a human in a blue collar, hard working, peaceful, loving family unit, what do you think is going to happen?
You put a human being in an environment where he never has to work for money, gets out of trouble with money, skates through life because of affluence: what do you think is going to happen?
Class-based differentiation!