
Well-Known Member
If you put a bullet in someone's head, there is usually immediate and fatal damage to their head. So the drugs as a cause of death question would indeed be irrelevant.

I haven't heard about any fatal damage to Floyd's neck or windpipe. Which leaves open the possibility that it was the drugs that killed him.
you mustve not looked.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
you mustve not looked.

Full autopsy out on Floyd, lists injuries; charges enhanced against 1 officer, filed on 3 others

"The medical examiner appeared to back the conclusion that Floyd was not asphyxiated -- listing a host of injuries absent in this case, in particular petechiae, or pinpoint-size red spots caused by broken blood vessels that can sometimes be a sign of asphyxiation.

Also highlighted in the report was that the autopsy failed to find "life-threatening" injuries in Floyd's neck near his head, spine, chest, brain, skull or related to the larynx."


I'm a star
If you put a bullet in someone's head, there is usually immediate and fatal damage to their head. So the drugs as a cause of death question would indeed be irrelevant.

I haven't heard about any fatal damage to Floyd's neck or windpipe. Which leaves open the possibility that it was the drugs that killed him.

I think the picture of Chauvin with his knee on Floyd's back should be the subject of further inquiry. The neck was bad optics, the knee on the back could have actually made it hard enough for Floyd to breath, considering the OD, that he died sooner than he might otherwise have. Floyd might have survived long enough to get meaningful medical treatment otherwise. Hard to say though.


Retired 23 years
They could drag Chauvin out to the town square and lynch him and the morons would still burn down Minneapolis.
I haven't heard anything about the Mayor putting the National Guard on call or even asking for extra police from other towns. Apparently he is going to set back and watch Mpls burn just like he did the last time. The guy is an idiot---so is our Governor. I hope the local business owners have been talking to the Koreans about how to protect their businesses.


Well-Known Member
Full autopsy out on Floyd, lists injuries; charges enhanced against 1 officer, filed on 3 others

"The medical examiner appeared to back the conclusion that Floyd was not asphyxiated -- listing a host of injuries absent in this case, in particular petechiae, or pinpoint-size red spots caused by broken blood vessels that can sometimes be a sign of asphyxiation.

Also highlighted in the report was that the autopsy failed to find "life-threatening" injuries in Floyd's neck near his head, spine, chest, brain, skull or related to the larynx."
says right here

"Before releasing the full report, the examiner's office summarized in two public disclosures that Floyd died as a result of "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression." It also listed "arteriosclerotic and hypertensive heart disease," as well as fentanyl intoxication and recent methamphetamine use as "other significant conditions.""

Poop Head

Judge me.
I haven't heard anything about the Mayor putting the National Guard on call or even asking for extra police from other towns. Apparently he is going to set back and watch Mpls burn just like he did the last time. The guy is an idiot---so is our Governor. I hope the local business owners have been talking to the Koreans about how to protect their businesses.
Stifling their self expression could be construed as racism. Better to just let everything be destroyed

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
haven't heard anything about the Mayor putting the National Guard on call or even asking for extra police from other towns. Apparently he is going to set back and watch Mpls burn just like he did the last time.


Poop Head

Judge me.
says right here

"Before releasing the full report, the examiner's office summarized in two public disclosures that Floyd died as a result of "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression." It also listed "arteriosclerotic and hypertensive heart disease," as well as fentanyl intoxication and recent methamphetamine use as "other significant conditions.""
Yes. As ive said before. His weak ass heart gave out because he wouldn't stop resisting arrest


I'm a star
Yes. As ive said before. His weak ass heart gave out because he wouldn't stop resisting arrest

Probably wasn't in the proper state of mind to be able to comply. Too bad he cried wolf one time too many, otherwise the cops might have gotten the paramedics on their way sooner.


Well-Known Member
They were covering their own butts. May end up coming back to bite them.
i have no idea but i do suspect the verdict will go depending on which way the political winds are blowing to some degree.

it only takes 1% of the population in the streets to have a revolution, so it probably takes less than that to send chavin to jail for murder.


I'm a star
i have no idea but i do suspect the verdict will go depending on which way the political winds are blowing to some degree.

it only takes 1% of the population in the streets to have a revolution, so it probably takes less than that to send chavin to jail for murder.

Good thing that justice isn't meted out by the mob. I'm sure that it would be in your socialist paradise. If you don't like the outcome, everyone can just vote to change the definition of murder so he would be guilty.


Well-Known Member
Good thing that justice isn't meted out by the mob. I'm sure that it would be in your socialist paradise. If you don't like the outcome, everyone can just vote to change the definition of murder so he would be guilty.
but justice is in reality. if "the mob" never threw a fit in teh streets we wouldnt be having a trial or 27 million pay out now in all likelihood. police are largely unaccountable.


Well-Known Member
Good thing that justice isn't meted out by the mob. I'm sure that it would be in your socialist paradise. If you don't like the outcome, everyone can just vote to change the definition of murder so he would be guilty.
"the mob" acts, and politicians and im sure judges as well react. its probably the best way of getting justice because power is a game of fear.


I'm a star
but justice is in reality. if "the mob" never threw a fit in teh streets we wouldnt be having a trial or 27 million pay out now in all likelihood. police are largely unaccountable.

Yeah, turns out the media lied, and the mob is wrong. I realize simple things like truth and justice don't mean much to you. If it weren't for the lies and rioting, Chauvin would be serving 10 years for manslaughter. Now he'll probably walk.


I'm a star
"the mob" acts, and politicians and im sure judges as well react. its probably the best way of getting justice because power is a game of fear.

Not when the mob is wrong, and they usually are. They are easily manipulated by those same politicians. You think it's the mob with the power, but it's the people pulling the mob's strings that have the power.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, turns out the media lied, and the mob is wrong. I realize simple things like truth and justice don't mean much to you. If it weren't for the lies and rioting, Chauvin would be serving 10 years for manslaughter. Now he'll probably walk.
quote me this when they give a verdict and ill give you credit.

no he probably wouldnt be serving anything at all if it werent for the protests because most cops are unaccountable which you also dont believe..

for example under obama, the only way bush was going to jail for war crimes wouldve been protests and grassroots organizing. ditto for obamas war crimes because trump is corrupt. ditto for trumps war crimes.


Well-Known Member
Not when the mob is wrong, and they usually are. They are easily manipulated by those same politicians. You think it's the mob with the power, but it's the people pulling the mob's strings that have the power.
the doofuses who marched on teh white house to give trump another 4 years were wrong, but i feel like that wasnt the singular reason they were there. the anti maskers are probably wrong. ive gone to conservative protests for civil liberties, we were right.