I agree -we can easily fall into the "blame game trap"
The saddest part of this whole thing ----I believed the Speeches and the Campaign on Hope and Change.
I believed that a young ,educated man familiar with the problems of the average person ---would go in with bold and fresh ideas and truly change the same old -same old Political game.
The support and power President Obama had was outstanding across the Country when he first took office.
What he could have done -and accomplished -would have been extraordinary !!!
Instead President Obama in his very first meeting told McCain and the opposing party that elections have "consequences"
Of course we know what happened next ---even Liberals like Barney Frank have said the Economy and Jobs should have been the very top priority.
What we got was the ultra Political --my way or the Highway --OBAMACARE !!!
Truly sad ---He had the Opportunity of a lifetime --to be Uniter rather than divider --He could have thrown the influence and power buyers out ---Instead --He became one of them !!
Just the same old same old ---with the same old "cheerleaders"